a resident member of the medical staff of a hospital, usually a recent medical school graduate serving under supervision.
Education. student teacher.
a person who works as an apprentice or trainee in an occupation or profession to gain practical experience, and sometimes also to satisfy legal or other requirements for being licensed or accepted professionally.
verb (used without object),in·terned,in·tern·ing.
to be or perform the duties of an intern.
Sometimes in·terne .
Origin of intern
An Americanism first recorded in 1875–80; from French interne, from Latin internus “inward”; see intern3
to restrict to or confine within prescribed limits, as prisoners of war, enemy aliens, or combat troops who take refuge in a neutral country.
to impound or hold within a country until the termination of a war, as a ship of a belligerent that has put into a neutral port and remained beyond a limited period.
a person who is or has been interned; internee.
Origin of intern
First recorded in 1865–70; from French interner, verbal derivative of interne intern3
Definition for intern (3 of 3)
[ in-turn ]
/ ɪnˈtɜrn /
Origin of intern
First recorded in 1570–80; from Latin internus “inward,” equivalent to inter- inter- + -nus adjective suffix
Netea’s introduction to trained immunity came in 2010, when a student intern in his lab was studying how vaccines shape the immune response.
‘Trained Immunity’ Offers Hope in Fight Against Coronavirus|Esther Landhuis|September 14, 2020|Quanta Magazine
I was her first intern, but I learned very quickly that I don’t want to be a politician.
Full Transcript: Tomi Lahren on ‘The Carlos Watson Show’|Daniel Malloy|August 31, 2020|Ozy
I was her first intern when she was elected to the House in 2010 when we had all those kind of Tea Party conservatives swept in.
Full Transcript: Tomi Lahren on ‘The Carlos Watson Show’|Daniel Malloy|August 31, 2020|Ozy
Then he wrote Elliott a fan letter and asked to be his unpaid intern.
How CNBC’s Andrew Ross Sorkin Would Close the Wealth Gap|Eromo Egbejule|August 26, 2020|Ozy
Plus, our intern Kate Nucci will discuss her latest story about how a century-old law allows police to punish people on the streets of San Diego for speech they don’t like.
Morning Report: The Seditious Language Law’s Origin Story|Voice of San Diego|August 5, 2020|Voice of San Diego
When I became aware that an intern of mine had been sexually harassed by a producer while making the film, I was blown away.
A Rallying Cry Against the Oversexualization of Our Youth|Darryl Roberts|November 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Somehow she also found time to intern at the U.S. Department of Education and help build a school in Mali.
TEDx Talks Have a Disability Problem—but This Incredible Young Woman Is Working to Change That|Nina Strochlic|November 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Even though his undergraduate studies had led him to be a vegetarian, he decided to intern with a small pork producer.
The Bioethicist Turned Butcher|Elizabeth Picciuto|September 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Did you have to intern and PA on a lot of films before breaking through?
Octavia Spencer on Hollywood and Race: The Film Roles I’m Offered Are Too Small|Marlow Stern|July 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Inside the squirrel suit, an intern named Justin can be found.
The RNC Chases Hillary Clinton With a Giant Orange Squirrel|Olivia Nuzzi|June 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Carin parte superiori liber prominente, et crist centrali, intern, longitudinali instruct.
A Monograph on the Sub-class Cirripedia (Volume 2 of 2)|Charles Darwin
I would recommend her to an intern, who is under great obligations to me.
Germinie Lacerteux|Edmond and Jules de Goncourt
Submarines found there were ordered to intern or to leave immediately, and chose to do the latter.
The Story of the Great War, Volume III (of VIII)|Various
In the list of birds now fully extinct, in the Proceedings of the Fourth Intern.
Extinct Birds|Walter Rothschild
I walked over and looked at Oswald, and this intern had come in and was giving him some pressure on his lower rib section.
Warren Commission (12 of 26): Hearings Vol. XII (of 15)|The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
British Dictionary definitions for intern
(ɪnˈtɜːn) (tr)to detain or confine (foreign or enemy citizens, ships, etc), esp during wartime
(ˈɪntɜːn) (intr)mainlyUSto serve or train as an intern
noun (ˈɪntɜːn)
another word for internee
Also: internemed, US and Canadiana graduate in the first year of practical training after medical school, resident in a hospital and under supervision by senior doctorsBritish equivalent: house officer
mainlyUSa student teacher
mainlyUSa student or recent graduate receiving practical training in a working environment