[ in-ter-mit -nt-lee ] SHOW IPA
/ ˌɪn tərˈmɪt nt li / PHONETIC RESPELLING
adverb at occasional or uneven intervals: This species of flounder spawns mainly during the summer and early fall, but may spawn intermittently throughout the year. In this parched landscape, water flows intermittently, with lakes and streams forming in the wet season and disappearing in the dry season.
Origin of intermittently intermittent + -ly
OTHER WORDS FROM intermittently non·in·ter·mit·tent·ly, adverb un·in·ter·mit·tent·ly, adverb Words nearby intermittently intermittent claudication, intermittent cramp, intermittent current, intermittent explosive disorder, intermittent fever, intermittently , intermittent mandatory ventilation, intermittent positive pressure breathing, intermittent positive pressure ventilation, intermittent tetanus, intermix
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for intermittently This went on for about five minutes intermittently , as I dealt with other officers inquiring about my job and ID.
Egypt’s Government Thugs Beat Me Up at the Rabaa Sit-In | Mike Giglio| August 14, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Self-immolation has been around for centuries, having been intermittently practiced by protesting monks in the East.
Tibet, Persecution, and Marital Shame: Why People Burn Themselves to Death | Kent Sepkowitz| December 12, 2012| DAILY BEAST
Since the spring of 2010, the financial world has been intermittently paralyzed by euro fear.
Mario Draghi May Become the Man Who Saved Europe—and the World | Zachary Karabell| September 7, 2012| DAILY BEAST
He usually works on building sites but has found jobs only intermittently since last year.
Greece’s Homelessness Spike | Nick Malkoutzis| February 1, 2012| DAILY BEAST
As Osborne spoke, Roubini sat and listened, intermittently nodding his head and crossing and uncrossing his arms across his chest.
Meet Britain's Austerity Chief | R.M. Schneiderman| December 17, 2010| DAILY BEAST
Firing back and forth between defenders and besiegers went on intermittently .
Local Color | Irvin S. Cobb
During the whole of that night I was only intermittently conscious of what was going on around me.
Wounded and a Prisoner of War | Malcolm V. (Malcolm Vivian) Hay
It was the famous hall in which heads of City Companies and ruling sovereigns are intermittently entertained.
The Burglars' Club | Henry A. Hering
Others again have been only intermittently in eruption, with intervals of centuries between their periods of activity.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 11, Slice 6 | Various
He stood beside her, the southern glow and life of which it was intermittently capable once more lighting up the strange face.
Robert Elsmere | Mrs. Humphry Ward
Words related to intermittently sporadically, occasionally, periodically, again, betimes, from time to time, once in a while, sometimes, every so often, now and again, on occasion