a material object without life or consciousness; an inanimate object.
some entity, object, or creature that is not or cannot be specifically designated or precisely described: The stick had a brass thing on it.
anything that is or may become an object of thought: things of the spirit.
things,matters; affairs: Things are going well now.
a fact, circumstance, or state of affairs: It is a curious thing.
an action, deed, event, or performance: to do great things; His death was a horrible thing.
a particular, respect, or detail: perfect in all things.
an aim; objective: The thing is to reach this line with the ball.
an article of clothing: I don't have a thing to wear.
implements, utensils, or other articles for service: I'll wash the breakfast things.
personal possessions or belongings: Pack your things and go!
a task; chore: I've got a lot of things to do today.
a living being or creature: His baby's a cute little thing.
a thought or statement: I have just one thing to say to you.
Informal. a particular interest or talent: Sports is not my thing.
Informal. a peculiar attitude or feeling, either positive or negative, toward something; mental quirk: She has a thing about cats.
something signified or represented, as distinguished from a word, symbol, or idea representing it.
a topic, behavior, or activity involving or limited to a specified group: It’s a girl thing, so you wouldn’t understand.
Informal. something that people do (often used in expressions of mild disapproval or mockery): Since when did clapping at the end of a movie become a thing?
Law. anything that may be the subject of a property right.
new thing,Jazz. free jazz.
the thing,
something that is correct or fashionable: That café is the thing now.
that which is expedient or necessary: The thing to do is to tell them the truth.
Idioms for thing
do / find one's own thing, Informal. to pursue a lifestyle that expresses one's self.Also do / find one's thing.
make a good thing of, Informal. to turn (a situation, experience, etc.) to one's own profit; benefit by: She made a good thing of her spare-time hobbies.
not to get a thing out of,
to be unable to obtain information or news from: The police couldn't get a thing out of him.
to fail to appreciate, understand, or derive aesthetic pleasure from: My wife likes opera, but I don't get a thing out of it.
see / hear things, Informal. to have hallucinations.
Origin of thing
before 900; Middle English; Old English: originally, “meeting”; see thing2
Words nearby thing
thin as a rail, thin client, thine, thin edge of the wedge, thin film, thing, thingamabob, thingamajig, T hinge, thing-in-itself, thingness
Definition for thing (2 of 2)
[ thing, ting ]
/ θɪŋ, tɪŋ /
(in Scandinavian countries) a public meeting or assembly, especially a legislative assembly or a court of law.
Also ting.
Compare thingstead.
Origin of thing
1830–40; <Old Norse: assembly; cognate with thing1, Dutch ding,German Ding thing, originally, meeting; akin to Gothic theihs time