The public and lawmakers themselves have expressed disappointment in the fact that the legislative session ended without major action on housing and police reform, and the finger-pointing is intensifying one week after the session ended.
Morning Report: Downtown Jail Outbreak Goes From Bad to Worse|Voice of San Diego|September 11, 2020|Voice of San Diego
The pandemic shut down Fortune’s in-person conference business, but it seems to have intensified demand for it.
Fortune has a full fall of virtual events coming up|Alan Murray|September 8, 2020|Fortune
These narratives have been intensified and supplemented by the work of right-wing adversarial media-makers like Elijah Schaffer and Andy Ngo, who collect videos of conflict at public protests and recirculate them to their online audiences.
How an overload of riot porn is driving conflict in the streets|Bobbie Johnson|September 3, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Even as the ranks of culture warriors on the right diminish, their zeal seems to intensify.
The Right Wing Screams for the Wambulance Over Gay Marriage Ruling|Walter Olson|October 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Instead, they intensify with age, like peachberry wine, and occasionally (like Jesse Helms and Jimmy Swaggart) they grow rank.
Let Us Now Praise Famous Rednecks and Their Unjustly Unsung Kin|Allison Glock|August 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
As fears of the virus hitting Europe intensify, health officials warn that paranoia and racial profiling may grow, as well.
Ebola-Fueled Racism Is on the Rise in Europe|Barbie Latza Nadeau|August 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Amin, whom we met in the park, says that his highs tend to extend and intensify whatever he was feeling already.
As Iran’s Marijuana Trade Thrives, Is It Becoming a Nation of Stoners?|IranWire|August 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Droughts and food shocks may intensify political and military conflict: more resource wars, more grain-price revolutions.
Climate Change Needs the Politics of the Impossible|Jedediah Purdy|April 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They only intensify feelings, and at my age that is not desirable.
Flint|Maud Wilder Goodwin
To intensify the color and leave the apple glossy, brush it with crystal syrup cooked to two hundred and twenty degrees.
Candy-Making Revolutionized|Mary Elizabeth Hall
If any partition of Ireland is contemplated this will intensify the bitterness now existing.
Imaginations and Reveries|(A.E.) George William Russell
After the sheriff called upon the Governor for troops, didn't that intensify the feeling in Pittsburgh?
Report of the Committee Appointed to Investigate the Railroad Riots in July, 1877|Various
This intimacy that could not be escaped served to intensify the clash of man and man.
The Sea Bride|Ben Ames Williams
British Dictionary definitions for intensify
/ (ɪnˈtɛnsɪˌfaɪ) /
verb-fies, -fyingor-fied
to make or become intense or more intense
(tr)to increase the density of (a photographic film or plate)