

单词 instantiation

Example sentences from the Web for instantiation

  • The method of an image is an experience, not a grammar applied to a repertory, or the instantiation of rules of grammar.

    The Civilization of Illiteracy|Mihai Nadin
  • Instantiation of meaning is always in the experience through which individuals constitute their identity.

    The Civilization of Illiteracy|Mihai Nadin
  • The logic of this language was an extension and instantiation of the logic of human activity.

    The Civilization of Illiteracy|Mihai Nadin


/ (ɪnˌstænʃɪˈeɪʃən) /


the act or an instance of instantiating
the representation of (an abstraction) by a concrete example
  1. the process of deriving an individual statement from a general one by replacing the variable with a name or other referring expression
  2. the valid inference of an instance from a universally quantified statement, as David is rational from all men are rational
  3. a statement so derived

Words nearby instantiation

instant, instantaneous, instant camera, instanter, instantiate, instantiation, instantize, instantly, instant message, instant messaging, instant photography
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