a large motor vehicle, having a long body, equipped with seats or benches for passengers, usually operating as part of a scheduled service; omnibus.
a similar horse-drawn vehicle.
a passenger automobile or airplane used in a manner resembling that of a bus.
any vehicle operated to transport children to school.
a low, movable filing cabinet.
Electricity.Also called bus bar,bus·bar[buhs-bahr]. /ˈbʌsˌbɑr/. a heavy conductor, often made of copper in the shape of a bar, used to collect, carry, and distribute powerful electric currents, as those produced by generators.
Computers. a circuit that connects the CPU with other devices in a computer.
verb (used with object),bused or bussed,bus·ing or bus·sing.
to convey or transport by bus: to bus the tourists to another hotel.
to transport (pupils) to school by bus, especially as a means of achieving socioeconomic or racial diversity among students in a public school.
verb (used without object),bused or bussed,bus·ing or bus·sing.
to travel on or by means of a bus: We bused to New York on a theater trip.
Idioms for bus
throw (someone or something) under the bus, Informal. to abandon or sacrifice to an imminent negative outcome for expedience or profit, or to protect oneself and one's interests: The accused was asked to testify against Tony, but he refused to save himself by throwing his pal under the bus.
Origin of bus
First recorded in 1825–35; short for omnibus; def. 6 short for omnibus bar
bussed , bust
Words nearby bus
burying beetle, burying ground, bury one's head in the sand, Bury St. Edmunds, bury the hatchet, bus, busbar, busboy, busby, Busch, Buschke-Löwenstein tumor
Definition for bus (2 of 3)
[ buhs ]
/ bʌs /
verb (used with or without object),bused or bussed,bus·ing or bus·sing.
to work or act as a busboy or busgirl: She bused for her meals during her student days.
Origin of bus
First recorded in 1830–40; back formation from busboy
A county spokesperson in Texas said that only 15 to 20 people were being placed on buses rather than the usual 50, and there were concerns about having large numbers of people sheltering in one place.
Hurricane Laura is the strongest storm to hit Louisiana in more than a century|Sara Chodosh|August 28, 2020|Popular Science
A school bus driver, Gladden was out of work for the summer.
She Was Sued Over Rent She Didn’t Owe. It Took Seven Court Dates to Prove She Was Right.|by Danielle Ohl, Capital Gazette, and Talia Buford and Beena Raghavendran, ProPublica|August 25, 2020|ProPublica
Officers employed by the Metropolitan Transit System, which runs many of the region’s buses and trolleys, cited a man last year for failing to comply with their orders.
Morning Report: 3 Body Cameras, No Footage|Voice of San Diego|July 22, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Last week, the agency responsible in San Diego for the buses and trolleys decided to pull back on a program to catch more people who ride without paying.
Morning Report: Police Reformers Are Coming for MTS|Voice of San Diego|June 25, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Together they form teams that patrol stations, buses and trolleys.
The Police Reform Push Comes for MTS|Lisa Halverstadt and Jesse Marx|June 25, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Occasionally a pamphlet for a salsa class might be tossed on a doorstop or stuck on a pole near a bus stop.
Iran’s Becoming a Footloose Nation as Dance Lessons Spread|IranWire|January 2, 2015|DAILY BEAST
The detectives learned early on that Brinsley had arrived by bus in Manhattan.
Exclusive: Inside a Cop-Killer’s Final Hours|Michael Daly|December 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
At the music studio, Brinsley would arrive by train or bus to break into the music scene.