the visual and especially tactile quality of a surface: rough texture.
the characteristic structure of the interwoven or intertwined threads, strands, or the like, that make up a textile fabric: coarse texture.
the characteristic physical structure given to a material, an object, etc., by the size, shape, arrangement, and proportions of its parts: soil of a sandy texture; a cake with a heavy texture.
an essential or characteristic quality; essence.
Fine Arts.
the characteristic visual and tactile quality of the surface of a work of art resulting from the way in which the materials are used.
the imitation of the tactile quality of represented objects.
the quality given, as to a musical or literary work, by the combination or interrelation of parts or elements.
a rough or grainy surface quality.
anything produced by weaving; woven fabric.
verb (used with object),tex·tured,tex·tur·ing.
to give texture or a particular texture to.
to make by or as if by weaving.
Origin of texture
1400–50; late Middle English <Latin textūra web, equivalent to text(us) (past participle of texere to weave) + -ūra-ure
non·tex·tur·al·ly,adverbre·tex·ture,verb (used with object),re·tex·tured,re·tex·tur·ing.sem·i·tex·tur·al,adjectivesem·i·tex·tur·al·ly,adverbun·tex·tur·al,adjective
It’s about the experience of the texture and the chase after just a little more of that wisp of flavor.
The Rise and Fall of the Rice Cake, America’s One-Time Favorite Health Snack|Brenna Houck|September 17, 2020|Eater
If you’re in muddy country, look for tires with deep, aggressive lugs, and ideally with some lugs or texture on the sides that will provide traction in ruts and other nasty mud holes.
Six ways to make your ATV even more rugged|By Tyler Freel/Outdoor Life|September 17, 2020|Popular Science
While the texture of the fish was apparently realistic, its taste was described as “lacking.”
This Startup Is Growing Sushi-Grade Salmon From Cells in a Lab|Vanessa Bates Ramirez|September 16, 2020|Singularity Hub
These places, these non-corporate spots do so much to add valuable texture and character to our neighborhoods.
We owe it to places like the Tabard Inn|Brock Thompson|September 11, 2020|Washington Blade
The silicone exterior is grippy, durable, and feels like a lacrosse ball with added texture.
The Most Futuristic Workout Gear of 2020|Hayden Carpenter|September 5, 2020|Outside Online
Not only did it look like and have the texture of crude oil, it tasted like it had been recently drilled.
Spirit Tripping With Colombian Shamans|Chris Allbritton|August 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I inquire if I may touch it and find the texture soft and creamy.
How to Guest Star in Your Own Life|Annabelle Gurwitch|May 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
As more time passes, the coral that attach give the works entirely new shape, texture, and color.
Artist Jason deCaires Taylor’s Underwater Sculptures Are a Sight to Sea|Justin Jones|April 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The texture was awkward and as I pulled it back and forth between my teeth, I just began to feel more and more nauseous.
We Were Gwyneth’s GOOP Guinea Pigs|Erin Cunningham, Olivia Nuzzi|March 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Smith described the films as comparable to “Listerine mouth strips” in terms of texture.
Can Vaginal Gels And Female Condoms Prevent HIV?|Emily Shire|March 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They are made of the common hat body, and a texture of silk with a long nap.
Popular Technology, Vol. I (of 2)|Edward Hazen
In the Dutchman it is the stuff and texture of the music that make the effect.
Richard Wagner|John F. Runciman
Soft and silky, yet with firmness of texture, and in subdued coloring, they seem appropriate for any room.
Rugs: Oriental and Occidental, Antique & Modern|Rosa Belle Holt
The texture of food is entitled to a score of 20 if it is perfect.
Woman's Institute Library of Cookery, Vol. 5|Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences
Never was flower more exquisite in texture and fringing—never one more graceful in habit.
The Wild Flowers of California: Their Names, Haunts, and Habits|Mary Elizabeth Parsons
British Dictionary definitions for texture
/ (ˈtɛkstʃə) /
the surface of a material, esp as perceived by the sense of toucha wall with a rough texture
the structure, appearance, and feel of a woven fabric
the general structure and disposition of the constituent parts of somethingthe texture of a cake
the distinctive character or quality of somethingthe texture of life in America
the nature of a surface other than smoothwoollen cloth has plenty of texture
artthe representation of the nature of a surfacethe painter caught the grainy texture of the sand
music considered as the interrelationship between the horizontally presented aspects of melody and rhythm and the vertically represented aspect of harmonya contrapuntal texture
the nature and quality of the instrumentation of a passage, piece, etc
(tr)to give a distinctive usually rough or grainy texture to
The general physical appearance of a rock, especially with respect to the size, shape, size variability, and geometric arrangement of its mineral crystals (for igneous and metamorphic rocks) and of its constituent elements (for sedimentary rocks). A sandstone that forms as part of an eolian (wind-blown) deposit, for example, has a texture that reflects its small, rounded sand grains of uniform size, while a sandstone that formed as part of a fluvial deposit has a texture reflecting the presence of grains of varying sizes, with some more rounded than others.