Following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis earlier this year, a wave of protests against racial inequality swept around the globe, shining a spotlight on deeply ingrained issues of systemic racism.
To fight systemic racism, the investment industry needs to look at its whiteness first|jakemeth|September 10, 2020|Fortune
We should push to ensure diversity and inclusion stay ingrained in our workplaces and in our lives.
3 ways to make sure corporate diversity and inclusion efforts have a lasting impact|matthewheimer|August 31, 2020|Fortune
But, overcoming institutional bias and gender discrimination is an ingrained and even structural problem that will take concerted effort over a period of years to overcome.
More than 70% of SEOs in the U.S. are men, make more than female colleagues|Greg Sterling|August 24, 2020|Search Engine Land
Pope’s conviction, embedded in social philosophy, remains ingrained in our culture today.
Just Because It’s Natural Doesn’t Mean It’s Good - Issue 89: The Dark Side|David P. Barash|August 19, 2020|Nautilus
Twitter’s security incident emphasizes that companies need to create a culture of privacy, where it become ingrained into how employees think about everyday tasks, Turku said.
Twitter hack jolts companies into a social media security check|Lara O'Reilly|July 17, 2020|Digiday
These are palpable, identifiable matters that are ingrained into the very fabric of The Babadook.
‘The Babadook’ Is the Best (and Most Sincere) Horror Movie of the Year|Samuel Fragoso|November 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
These studies only speak to one of our ingrained mental habits that make us particularly susceptible to religious belief.
Why Are Millennials Unfriending Organized Religion?|Vlad Chituc|November 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Polling is ingrained in American politics, but it does not come without its problems.
The Polls Are In: ISIS Is Outside Your Window|Jack Holmes|October 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This was before any knowledge of safer sex was ingrained in the culture.
‘The Normal Heart’ and Hope in the Battlefield of AIDS|Michael Musto|May 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In fact, I think this is so ingrained now that in many ways, we assume too much of science.
Following Tuberculosis From Death Sentence to Cure|Tessa Miller|April 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Not desirable that men without a tithe of Tim's talent should imitate his ingrained ill-manners.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 93, July 16, 1887|Various
Nor had I suspected one in whom cynicism and distrust of undergraduates (of my sort) seemed so ingrained, of such idealism.
A Far Country, Complete|Winston Churchill
A long service upon the scrub had ingrained him to regard the Princeton Varsity men always as opponents.
Football Days|William H. Edwards
As for the mother-lynx, she had passed out of his mind, so ingrained and deep was his scorn of all such "varmin."
Hoof and Claw|Charles G. D. Roberts
And as these were fast or durable colours we have such phrases as ‘to dye in grain,’ ‘a rogue in grain,’ ‘an ingrained habit.’
Milton's Comus|John Milton
British Dictionary definitions for ingrained
/ (ɪnˈɡreɪnd) /
deeply impressed or instilledhis fears are deeply ingrained
(prenominal)complete or inveterate; utteran ingrained fool
(esp of dirt) worked into or through the fibre, grain, pores, etc