

单词 teston


[ tes-tuhn, -ton, te-stoon ]
/ ˈtɛs tən, -tɒn, tɛˈstun /


a former silver coin of France, equal at various times to between 10 and 14½ sols, bearing on the obverse a bust of the reigning king.
a former silver coin of England, issued by Henry VII, Henry VIII, and Edward VI, and bearing on the obverse the bust of the reigning king: equal originally to 12 pence, later to sixpence.
Also tes·to·ne [te-stoh-ney]. /tɛˈstoʊ neɪ/. a former silver coin of Milan, first issued in 1468, bearing on the obverse a bust of the Duke of Milan.
Also tes·toon [te-stoon]. /tɛˈstun/.

Origin of teston

1535–45; <French <Italian testone, augmentative of testa head <Late Latin; see testa

Words nearby teston

testitis, test-market, test marketing, test match, test meal, teston, testosterone, test paper, test pattern, test pilot, test profile
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

Example sentences from the Web for teston

  • "My predecessors thought themselves dishonoured by knowing the value of a teston," Henry used to say.

    Sir Charles Napier|Sir William Francis Butler
  • That, with about a teston which it cost him in returning, is over and above the amount for printing.

    Letters of John Calvin, Volume II (of 4)|Jules Bonnet

British Dictionary definitions for teston


testoon (tɛˈstuːn)

/ (ˈtɛstən) /


a French silver coin of the 16th century
Also called: tester an English silver coin of the 16th century, originally worth one shilling, bearing the head of Henry VIII

Word Origin for teston

C16: from Italian testone, from testa head, from Late Latin: skull, from Latin: shell
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012




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