Deamer, a big proponent of hot springs as the source of life’s start, has shown that conditions at terrestrial hot springs can produce bubblelike vesicles, with an outer layer made up of lipids.
Life on Earth may have begun in hostile hot springs|Jack J. Lee|September 24, 2020|Science News
On Earth, all of those ingredients exist at terrestrial hot springs, home to some hardy creatures.
Life on Earth may have begun in hostile hot springs|Jack J. Lee|September 24, 2020|Science News
Microsoft claims its server-holding cylinders will take less than 90 days to go from factory ship to operation, as compared to the average two years it takes to get a terrestrial data center up and running.
Microsoft Had a Crazy Idea to Put Servers Under Water—and It Totally Worked|Vanessa Bates Ramirez|September 17, 2020|Singularity Hub
Second, 40 percent of plastic waste is mismanaged — “5% ends up in ocean leakage, 22% in open burning, and 14% in terrestrial leakage,” the report says.
Big Oil’s hopes are pinned on plastics. It won’t end well.|David Roberts|September 4, 2020|Vox
The theory, which appeared in May in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, doesn’t explain every step of how life acquired its current handedness, but it does assert that the shape of terrestrial DNA and RNA is no accident.
Cosmic Rays May Explain Life’s Bias for Right-Handed DNA|Charlie Wood|June 29, 2020|Quanta Magazine
This is especially true of the ocean, where impacts are less obvious than for terrestrial systems.
‘Mission Blue’ Warning: The Ocean Is Not Too Big to Fail|Sylvia A. Earle|August 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
As the critic Dave Hickey famously said, let art be “frivolous” enough to move us at a terrestrial level.
The Myth of the Tortured Artist|Shane McAdams|January 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The license from 2005 for LightSquared was explicitly for phones that used both satellite and terrestrial networks.
Philip Falcone: Billionaire on the Brink|Eli Lake|April 16, 2012|DAILY BEAST
“In January the commission said LightSquared could use its license for exclusive terrestrial purposes,” he said.
White House’s Testimony ‘Guidance’|Eli Lake|September 20, 2011|DAILY BEAST
Terrestrial things do not last so long as celestial ones, ii.
Plotinos: Complete Works, v. 4|Plotinos (Plotinus)
In it we see what our own planet must have been in its primordial epoch, in the pristine times of terrestrial genesis.
Astronomy for Amateurs|Camille Flammarion
He was terrestrial in respect to condition, and yet celestial, both in respect of character and enjoyments.
The Religion of Geology and Its Connected Sciences|Edward Hitchcock
I can only compare these great aquatic forests of the southern hemisphere, with the terrestrial ones in the intertropical regions.
The Romance of Natural History, Second Series|Philip Henry Gosse
It might be that they have had a development similar to terrestrial insects with the skeleton of armor enclosing their flesh.
The Revolt of the Star Men|Raymond Gallun
British Dictionary definitions for terrestrial
/ (təˈrɛstrɪəl) /
of or relating to the earth
of or belonging to the land as opposed to the sea or air
(of animals and plants) living or growing on the land
earthly, worldly, or mundane
(of television signals) sent over the earth's surface from a transmitter on land, rather than by satellite