The rumor mill has also found indications that Apple may release a second, cheaper new version of the Watch.
Apple’s ‘Time Flies’ event: 5 things to look for|Aaron Pressman|September 15, 2020|Fortune
The CEO has given no indication he’s ready to retire, but if the 59-year-old Cook moved on tomorrow, look no further than Chief Operating Officer Jeff Williams, 57, to take over.
Apple’s leadership evolves ahead of a post-Tim Cook era|radmarya|September 12, 2020|Fortune
Perhaps the other indications had returned to normal by the time the cardiac MRI and other tests were performed.
College athletes show signs of possible heart injury after COVID-19|Aimee Cunningham|September 11, 2020|Science News
This test is an early indication that one of them is shedding the virus, viral shedding starts before symptoms develop.
A New Kind of College Exam: UCSD Is Testing Sewage for COVID-19|Randy Dotinga|September 7, 2020|Voice of San Diego
These early tests often involve 1,000 or fewer people and are mostly designed to provide an indication that a vaccine is safe, not whether it is effective.
Trump wants a COVID-19 vaccine by Election Day. But will one be ready?|Jeremy Kahn|September 4, 2020|Fortune
If 2014 was any indication, the coming TV schedule is sure to be filled with plenty of water-cooler shows.
Four TV Shows We Can’t Wait to Return In 2015|DISH|December 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
While natural color is no indication of quality, it can speak volumes about character.
Why Natural Color Is So Crucial To Understanding A Whisky’s Flavors||December 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
There is no indication that either side is going to give up.
Intifada 3.0: Growing Unrest and a Plot to Kill an Israeli Minister|Creede Newton|November 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
By contrast, if body language is any indication, Obama and Xi were getting along rather well.