Football. (of a forward pass) not completed; not caught by a receiver.
Engineering. noting a truss the panel points of which are not entirely connected so as to form a system of triangles.Compare complete (def. 8), redundant (def. 5c).
Logic, Philosophy.
(of an expression or symbol) meaningful only in a specific context.
(of a set of axioms) such that there is at least one true proposition (able to be formulated in terms of the basic ideas of a given system) that is not deducible from the set.Compare complete (def. 7).
Education. a temporary grade indicating that a student has not fulfilled one or more of the essential requirements for a course: If I don't hand in my term paper for last semester's English course, the professor is going to change my incomplete to an F.
Origin of incomplete
First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English word from Late Latin word incomplētus.See in-3, complete
Ikhrata said the audit contains “flawed conclusions,” “incomplete information” and a biased “accusational tone.”
Morning Report: New Ethics Concerns for City Council Candidate|Voice of San Diego|September 3, 2020|Voice of San Diego
As reopened businesses require some parents to return to work, they’re left to make decisions based on competing priorities and incomplete information.
What to consider when deciding whether to send your kid back to school|Alexandra Ossola|September 2, 2020|Quartz
Another third of applications submitted to MTS were deemed incomplete.
MTS Frequently Overrules Doctors’ Orders on Reduced Fares for the Disabled|Lisa Halverstadt|August 31, 2020|Voice of San Diego
These tools are siloed and provide an incomplete view of the consumer journey and behavior.
Report: Insights-led engagement for the mobile-first consumer|Sponsored Content: MoEngage|August 26, 2020|Search Engine Land
In the meantime, most of the detailed studies are incomplete in one way or another.
New York’s Conservative Fracking Ban|Jay Michaelson|December 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I speak here to warn people that the facts presented in the opera are incomplete and distorted.
Rudy Giuliani: Why I Protested ‘The Death of Klinghoffer’|Rudy Giuliani|October 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
As a portrait of childhood in America, it is incomplete enough to be irresponsible.
Black 'Boyhood' Is Always Black First, Boy Later|Teo Bugbee|August 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They gave her the forms instead, which she carries with her incomplete.
Italy's Latest Export Is Refugees, and the Rest of Europe Is Not Happy|Barbie Latza Nadeau|August 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Any list of presidential sex symbols would be incomplete without Bill Clinton.
Fifty Shades of Presidential FanFiction|Amy Zimmerman|August 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Height of response is thus decreased by incomplete recovery.
Response in the Living and Non-Living|Jagadis Chunder Bose
Consequently loss of power by cooling and by incomplete expansion cannot be avoided.
Scientific American Supplement No. 275|Various
Paying no taxes and rendering no assistance in the administration of the Empire, his duty to his sovereign is incomplete.
Chinese Sketches|Herbert A. Giles
The child must not be discouraged by harsh criticism, but neither must an incomplete recitation be accepted as a complete one.
The Recitation|George Herbert Betts
Such advice will not serve as a screen if based on a fragmentary, incomplete statement of facts.
Putnam's Handy Law Book for the Layman|Albert Sidney Bolles
British Dictionary definitions for incomplete
/ (ˌɪnkəmˈpliːt) /
not complete or finished
not completely developed; imperfect
(of a formal theory) not so constructed that the addition of a non-theorem to the axioms renders it inconsistent
(of an expression) not having a reference of its own but requiring completion by another expression