including or encompassing the stated limit or extremes in consideration or account (usually used after the noun): from May to August inclusive.
including a great deal, or encompassing everything concerned; comprehensive: an inclusive art form; an inclusive fee.
enclosing; embracing: an inclusive fence.
aiming to include and integrate all people and groups in activities, organizations, political processes, etc., especially those who are disadvantaged, have suffered discrimination, or are living with disabilities: inclusive hiring practices;inclusive playgrounds.
relating to or being language or terminology that does not exclude a particular group of people and that avoids bias, stereotypes, etc.: the use of singular “they” as an inclusive, gender-neutral pronoun.
relating to or being educational practices in which students with physical or mental disabilities are taught in regular classrooms and provided with certain accommodations.
Grammar. (of the first person plural) including the person or persons spoken to, as we in Shall we dance?Compare exclusive (def. 12).
Idioms for inclusive
inclusive of, including; also taking into account: Europe, inclusive of the British Isles, is negotiating new trade agreements.
Origin of inclusive
First recorded in 1400–50; late Middle English, from Medieval Latin inclūsīvus, equivalent to Latin inclūs(us) + -īvus adjective suffix; see origin at incluse, -ive
SYNONYMS FOR inclusive
2 overall, general, all-embracing, all-encompassing,
Is “Anti” Actually An Inclusive Term?It might surprise you to know that the negative anti is being hailed as a more inclusive way to talk about groups facing discrimination.
Words related to inclusive
comprehensive, broad, across-the-board, all-around, blanket, encyclopedic, full, general, global, overall, sweeping, umbrella, whole, catchall, in toto, wall-to-wall