in a bind, in a breeze, in absentia, inaccessible, inaccuracy, inaccurate, in a cold sweat, inaction, inactivate, inactivated poliovirus vaccine, inactive
I have it on right now and it suggests the tone of this post is “concerned,” which isn’t totally inaccurate.
Amazon’s new fitness tracker listens to your voice to figure out your mood|Stan Horaczek|September 2, 2020|Popular Science
Eitan Hersh, a professor at Tufts who testified to Congress after the Cambridge Analytica scandal in 2016, believes the data—particularly the modeled attributes—is inaccurate to the point of hindering its usefulness for campaigns.
Explainer: What do political databases know about you?|Tate Ryan-Mosley|August 31, 2020|MIT Technology Review
However, because protecting the Ethics process is an imperative for the Party I can say that it would be inaccurate to say that the complaint is closed or that no action was taken.
Barrios Makes Dubious Claims on Investigations Into His Spending|Jesse Marx|August 25, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Both the hardware and software need to be improved over time to reduce inaccurate predictions, and Steindorfer argues that the whole system needs to be thought of as a continued work in progress.
How to cast a wider net for tracking space junk|Neel Patel|August 5, 2020|MIT Technology Review
You can imagine why it’s important to identify the difference between accurate and inaccurate statistical discrimination.
Does Hollywood Still Have a Princess Problem? (Ep. 394)|Stephen J. Dubner|October 24, 2019|Freakonomics
It would be inaccurate though to call SIX a direct antidote to ALEC.
The Left’s Answer to ALEC|Ben Jacobs|December 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Others have found its portrayal of Southern life offensive, exploitative, or inaccurate.
The Shocking Rise and Fall of ‘Honey Boo Boo’|Kevin Fallon|October 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
She slammed the media, saying the coverage has been scant and inaccurate.
Defying Stereotypes, Young Muslim Writers Find Community Onstage|Julianne Chiaet|October 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Inaccurate label notwithstanding, Plan B is classified by the FDA as a contraceptive.
Rand Paul’s Plan B for Pro-Life Critics|Olivia Nuzzi|October 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
However, Uncle Gary hit back for his sister today, dismissing the piece as “inaccurate and mean” in a tweet early this morning.
Carole Middleton's Cousin Says Kate's Mom Is Now 'Grander Than The Queen'|Tom Sykes|August 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In the case of particular flies, others have frequently observed that the imitations generally used were inaccurate.
Old Flies in New Dresses|Charles Edward Walker
They would go through anything they hit, but they were found to be too inaccurate and not so economical as explosives.
The Black Watch|Scout Joe Cassells
This makes her married life two years; but we need not say that the date is inaccurate, as Lady Byron was married in 1815.
Lady Byron Vindicated|Harriet Beecher Stowe
It is inaccurate to say that the lands are become 'the property of Government' by reason of their being assessed.
Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official|William Sleeman
And Mr. Mallock is one of those who talk about the inaccurate thinking of Socialists.