[ tee -zer ] SHOW IPA
noun a person or thing that teases.
Theater . a drapery or flat piece across the top of the proscenium arch that masks the flies and that, together with the tormentors, forms a frame for the stage opening.
Printing , Journalism . kicker (def. 9).
an advertisement that lures customers or clients by offering a bonus, gift, or the like.
Also called tease, teaser ad . a short, impressionistic image, promotional video, or audio spot that reveals very little about the product or company being advertised and is presented to generate interest in advance of the primary advertising campaign. Also called teaser trailer, trailer tease . a short, edited promotional video to generate interest in an upcoming film and announce its release date: a teaser is a forerunner to full-length trailers for the film that feature highlights and are shown closer to the film’s distribution date. Informal . tease (def. 10).
Origin of teaser First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English teser “machine for teasing wool”; see tease, -er1
Words nearby teaser tease, teasel, teasel family, teasel gourd, tease out, teaser , tea service, tea shop, teaspoon, teaspoonful, teat
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for teaser None, however, have been as all-out cute as this one, a shot-for-shot remake of the teaser with dogs and cats.
'Star Wars' Goes to the Dogs (and Cats) | Alex Chancey, The Daily Beast Video| December 10, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Hackers have leaked the clip as a teaser for a full sex tape, which they claim will be released online soon.
‘The Fappening’ Yields A Fake Kim Kardashian Sex Tape | Marlow Stern| October 9, 2014| DAILY BEAST
In what looks like a “teaser ” for more rants to come, John Cantlie speaks to the camera and continues to live, at least for now.
An ISIS Hostage Taken With Beheaded James Foley Spouts ISIS Propaganda | Jamie Dettmer| September 18, 2014| DAILY BEAST
On Thursday Sledgehammer games released a teaser for the “new era” of Call of Duty, which is set for release this November.
Kevin Spacey and the Most Inexplicable Celebrity Video Game Cameos | Amy Zimmerman| May 3, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The news went public when a teaser shot of the brand's Spring/Summer 2014 campaign was posted to Instagram on Friday.
Kate Middleton's Hair Stylist Gets the Boot; Lady Gaga Fronts Versace's Latest Campaign | The Fashion Beast Team| November 25, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Among three hundred men that would amount to but two or three drinks apiece––a mere taste, only a teaser .
In the Shadow of the Hills | George C. Shedd
Meanwhile Mr. Teaser 's labours increased considerably, what with the constant lettings and leavings and watchings for "slopings."
We must keep a good watch for our two friends, and if they come down we can follow till we see the Teaser in the offing.
Blue Jackets | George Manville Fenn
This man with me is Dave, and he was a steward on board of the Teaser .
Within The Enemy's Lines | Oliver Optic
Are you ready to do duty on board of the Teaser when she is in deep water, Lonley?
Within The Enemy's Lines | Oliver Optic
British Dictionary definitions for teaser noun a person who teases
a preliminary advertisement in a campaign that attracts attention by making people curious to know what product is being advertised
a difficult question
vet science a vasectomized male animal, such as an ox, used to detect oestrus in females
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to teaser riddle, conundrum, subtlety, question, enigma, secrecy, problem, thriller, mystery, dilemma, puzzle, quandary, complexity, clip, puzzlement, mystification, perplexity, stickler, cliffhanger, twister