No, Mr. Taranto, what America wants to do is criminalize rape.
George Will, a Worthy Heir to Todd Akin|Sally Kohn|June 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Taranto's “comeuppance” idea rests on two odd assumptions/insinuations.
Getting It Right on Obamacare|David Frum|October 31, 2013|DAILY BEAST
But what is clear is that Taranto thinks that my $200 per month rate increase represents some much-deserved comeuppance.
Getting It Right on Obamacare|David Frum|October 31, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Back then, Taranto defended the post-truth methods of the late Andrew Breitbart's journalism.
James Taranto, Heckler?|David Frum|January 31, 2013|DAILY BEAST
I'm a particular target of Taranto's name-calling, and not for the first time.
James Taranto, Heckler?|David Frum|January 31, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The Prince of Taranto discountenances the proposed crime, for the Queen's fair name would suffer.
Frdric Mistral|Charles Alfred Downer
Heading east he caught sight of the bay of Taranto, then turned north.
A Yankee Flier in Italy|Rutherford G. Montgomery
The same thing happened on the Italian railway between Brindisi and Taranto, which delayed us for about eight hours.
With the Judans in the Palestine Campaign|J. H. (John Henry) Patterson
The wind held till next morning, when they were abreast of the Gulf of Taranto.
The Lion of Saint Mark|G. A. Henty
I had heard the story in Taranto a year previously, and knew it to be somewhat apocryphal at best.
Sea-Hounds|Lewis R. Freeman
British Dictionary definitions for Taranto
/ (təˈræntəʊ, Italianˈtaːranto) /
a port in SE Italy, in Apulia on the Gulf of Taranto (an inlet of the Ionian Sea): the chief city of Magna Graecia; taken by the Romans in 272 bc . Pop: 202 033 (2001)Latin name: Tarentum