an account or reckoning; a record of debit and credit, of the score of a game, or the like.
Also called tally stick . a stick of wood with notches cut to indicate the amount of a debt or payment, often split lengthwise across the notches, the debtor retaining one piece and the creditor the other.
anything on which a score or account is kept.
a notch or mark made on or in a tally.
a number or group of items recorded.
a mark made to register a certain number of items, as four consecutive vertical lines with a diagonal line through them to indicate a group of five.
a number of objects serving as a unit of computation.
a ticket, label, or mark used as a means of identification, classification, etc.
anything corresponding to another thing as a counterpart or duplicate.
verb (used with object),tal·lied,tal·ly·ing.
to mark or enter on a tally; register; record.
to count or reckon up.
to furnish with a tally or identifying label.
to cause to correspond or agree.
verb (used without object),tal·lied,tal·ly·ing.
to correspond, as one part of a tally with the other; accord or agree: Does his story tally with hers?
to score a point or make a goal, as in a game.
Origin of tally
1275–1325; (noun) Middle English taly<Medieval Latin talia, variant of Latin tālea rod, cutting, literally, heel-piece, derivative of tālus heel; (v.) late Middle English talyen, derivative of the noun
It’s a sickeningly high number, but it’s also the first time the tally has dropped below 1 million since March.
S&P 500 hits a new record, erasing last of pandemic losses|Verne Kopytoff|August 18, 2020|Fortune
Alexander Lukashenko, the 26-year-and-counting president of Belarus, won his country’s recent elections with a final tally of 80 percent of the vote.
Misery in Minsk|Eugene Robinson|August 18, 2020|Ozy
Lyon is reasonably well organized in defense, but it is outperforming its expected goals against tally so far, suggesting that something’s got to give eventually.
After Manchester City’s Big Loss, Who’s The Favorite To Win The Champions League?|Terrence Doyle|August 18, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
While there’s no official tally, it’s reasonable to say that millions of algorithmically proctored tests are happening every month around the world.
Software that monitors students during tests perpetuates inequality and violates their privacy|Amy Nordrum|August 7, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Scores joined him, and the tally of militants in Kashmir doubled from 150 to 300.
Is Kashmir’s Militancy Dead?|Charu Kasturi|August 6, 2020|Ozy
They examined every “poll list, tally sheet, certificate of result, and, where necessary, each ballot.”
Honoring The Late John Doar, A Nearly Forgotten Hero Of The Civil Rights Era|Gary May|November 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
We keep a tally of school shootings at The Daily Beast, too, using a slightly different methodology.
This Gun Nut Says Most School Shootings Aren’t Real|Brandy Zadrozny|June 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The following day, another school shooting at Arapahoe High School added to our tally.
This Gun Nut Says Most School Shootings Aren’t Real|Brandy Zadrozny|June 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Tally one for the superstition list… no more laundry at night.
Dodging Rockets in Afghanistan as the Taliban’s Fighting Season Begins|Nick Willard|May 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
When the smoke cleared, a most precious 43-8 tally remained intact.
The Impossible Super Bowl Score: First 43-8 Football Game in a Century|Evin Demirel|February 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The chirograph was the precursor of the modern indenture, the commonest form of English deeds, though no longer a tally.