[ teylz, tey -leez ] SHOW IPA
/ teɪlz, ˈteɪ liz / PHONETIC RESPELLING
noun Law . (used with a plural verb ) persons chosen to serve on the jury when the original panel is insufficiently large: originally selected from among those present in court.
(used with a singular verb ) the order or writ summoning such jurors.
Origin of tales 1300–50; Middle English <Medieval Latin tālēs (dē circumstantibus ) such (of the bystanders)
Words nearby tales talent, talented, talent scout, talent show, taler, tales , talesman, taleteller, tali-, Taliban, Talibanize
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for tales He was a magician, an invisible teller of tales with the power to make my sides ache without telling a single joke.
When Your Comic Hero Is an Alleged Rapist | Doug McIntyre| November 18, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Throughout her career, tales of wild behavior, random sexual encounters and copious drug use have orbited her waifish figure.
Sex, Drugs, and Kate Moss: Secrets of a Wild Supermodel | Tom Sykes| October 9, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Tales still swirl about the strange forest ruins and mysterious happenings that have occurred around Gedi.
Kenya Has Its Own Machu Picchu—the Lost Town of Gedi | Nina Strochlic| September 18, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Many students have written to Deresiewicz with tales of similar high-achievement/low-meaning experiences.
The Elite American College Pile-On | Michael S. Roth| September 15, 2014| DAILY BEAST
“I love Americans I just hate your government,” he said before regaling me with tales of family visits to the United States.
I Traveled 6,000 Miles and a Lifetime to See the Pride Flag Fly at the U.S. Embassy in Israel | Jim Neal| June 30, 2014| DAILY BEAST
If he had written some of the tales he told, and had sold the writing for many dollars, he would have been famous.
The Happy Family | Bertha Muzzy Bower
This new intellectual movement was at first purely literary, and affected merely the manner of writing novels, tales , and poems.
Russia | Donald Mackenzie Wallace
Of course Aino tales , like other tales , may also be treated from a literary point of view.
Aino Folk-Tales | Basil Hall Chamberlain
It is significant that there is not a trace of Mariolatry in these tales and fables.
Rumanian Bird and Beast Stories | Anonymous
The important rôle played by the last in tales of the North of Europe has its counterpart in those of the South.
Italian Popular Tales | Thomas Frederick Crane
British Dictionary definitions for tales noun law (functioning as plural) a group of persons summoned from among those present in court or from bystanders to fill vacancies on a jury panel
(functioning as singular) the writ summoning such jurors
Derived forms of tales talesman , noun Word Origin for tales C15: from Medieval Latin phrase tālēs dē circumstantibus such men from among the bystanders, from Latin tālis such
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to tales account, novel, myth, fable, short story, anecdote, yarn, fiction, narrative, legend, rumor, report, romance, relation, saga, narration, prevarication, lie, falsehood, exaggeration