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Example sentences from the Web for hyperemesisHyperemesis Gravidarum is very acute morning sickness, which may require supplementary hydration, medication and nutrients. Second Royal Baby for Kate|Tom Sykes|September 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST Kate made her first trip out of doors last night since hyperemesis gravidarum became part of our vocabulary. Kate's First Trip Out Since Morning Sickness Struck|Tom Sykes|December 17, 2012|DAILY BEAST She will remain in hospital at present and will continue to be treated for Hyperemesis Gravidarum.' Kate Middleton Feeling Better, But Will Stay in Hospital|Tom Sykes|December 4, 2012|DAILY BEAST So what, other than a five-dollar Latin term, is hyperemesis gravidarum? Hyperemesis Gravidarum: What’s Ailing Kate Middleton|Kent Sepkowitz|December 4, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Other words from hyperemesishy′per•e•met′ic (-ĭ-mĕt′ĭk) adj.Words nearby hyperemesishyperdactylia, hyperdactyly, hyperdicrotic, hyperdulia, hyperechema, hyperemesis, hyperemesis gravidarum, hyperemia, hyperencephaly, hypereosinophilia, hypereosinophilic syndrome The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. |