Brandeburg, a state on Germany’s border with Poland, will adopt measures to contain the disease, restricting the movement of people and livestock close to the outbreak area and ordering hunters to cull wild boar, Kloeckner said.
Europe is on high alert after a deadly swine virus emerges in Germany|Bernhard Warner|September 10, 2020|Fortune
I can only imagine how all these images of giant scorpions, curling snakes, and snarling predators must have affected the young hunter on his first descent into the darkness, maybe with nothing but the flickering light of a torch.
An Ancient Site with Human Skulls on Display - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Jo Marchant|September 2, 2020|Nautilus
The soaring prices for wolverine pelts made them popular targets for hunters, she explains, so the wolverine population plummeted throughout the 20th century.
Mount Rainier’s first wolverine mama in a century is a sign of the species’ comeback|Hannah Seo|August 28, 2020|Popular Science
It long held that hunters were men and gatherers were women.
Skeletons hint that ancient societies had women warriors|Bruce Bower|May 28, 2020|Science News For Students
As part of her job, Hunter regularly tests soil pH and levels of nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen.
Science isn’t just for scientists|Silke Schmidt|March 5, 2020|Science News For Students
In it, Kraven the Hunter tracks down Spider-Man, shoots him repeatedly, and leaves him for dead, buried underground.
Exclusive: Sony Hack Reveals Studio's Detailed Plans For Another ‘Spider-Man’ Reboot|William Boot|December 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In 1970, Hunter S. Thompson was dispatched to report on a motorcycle race in Las Vegas.
Sneer and Clothing in Miami: Inside The $3 Billion Woodstock of Contemporary Art|Jay Michaelson|December 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Cumberbatch and Hunter have assiduously avoided being identified as celebrity couple until now.
Meet the Future Mrs. Benedict Cumberbatch|Tom Sykes|November 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
By 2010, Hunter was directing a well received revival of Henrik Ibsen's Ghosts at Access Theatre on Broadway.
Meet the Future Mrs. Benedict Cumberbatch|Tom Sykes|November 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
McConnell had seen the sign, Hunter told me, and “he loves it!”