释义 |
verb (used without object), hummed, hum·ming.to make a low, continuous, droning sound. to give forth an indistinct sound of mingled voices or noises. to utter an indistinct sound in hesitation, embarrassment, dissatisfaction, etc.; hem. to sing with closed lips, without articulating words. to be in a state of busy activity: The household hummed in preparation for the wedding. British Slang. to have a bad odor, as of stale perspiration. verb (used with object), hummed, hum·ming.to sound, sing, or utter by humming: to hum a tune. to bring, put, etc., by humming: to hum a child to sleep. nounthe act or sound of humming; an inarticulate or indistinct murmur; hem. Audio. an unwanted low-frequency sound caused by power-line frequencies in any audio component. interjection(an inarticulate sound uttered in contemplation, hesitation, dissatisfaction, doubt, etc.) Origin of hum1300–50; Middle English; ultimately imitative; cognate with German hummen to hum; cf. humblebee SYNONYMS FOR humSEE SYNONYMS FOR hum ON THESAURUS.COM OTHER WORDS FROM humun·der·hum, nounWords nearby humhullo, hulloa, hully gully, Hulme, Hulse, hum, Humacao, human, human antihemophilic factor, human being, human body Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for humThe hum is generated by the rapid jitters of particles that make up the hot object. A new thermometer measures temperature with sound|Maria Temming|October 2, 2020|Science News There was no shelling this time, but there was the hum of watchful drones. Gaza ‘Mass Execution’ Investigated|Jesse Rosenfeld|August 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST Achtung Baby's ironic astringency was a successful reaction to Rattle and Hum's gauzy sincerity. U2 Drops ‘Invisible’ to Remind You the Band Exists|Howard Wolfson|February 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST Just smile, hum a tune, count backwards from a thousand repeatedly. Can Being With Your Family on Thanksgiving Actually Kill You?|Kent Sepkowitz|November 29, 2013|DAILY BEAST
DE, from the French, means "of" as in "from;" DO, like the deer, is the first tone you hum. National Scrabble Day: A Poem So You’ll Know All 101 Two-Letter Words|David Bukszpan|April 13, 2013|DAILY BEAST From the site, one can hear the hum of traffic and see cars passing on the street. Mary Kennedy: Bringing Up the Body|Paula Froelich|July 26, 2012|DAILY BEAST Then he endeavoured to hum a tune; but his voice seemed to choke him. The Mysteries of London, v. 1/4|George W. M. Reynolds The motor was started and the machinery began to hum and throb. Tom Swift and his Wireless Message|Victor Appleton My mother was fond of 'Mary of Argyle'; used to sing it when I was a lad,—hum, ha! Hildegarde's Harvest|Laura E. Richards And in case a hum was heard that sounded like a hive, a certain cry, twice repeated, was to summon all the others to the spot. The Boy Scouts on the Trail|Herbert Carter The little party had found seats near the musicians, and from either side came a hum of voices. Mr. Incoul's Misadventure|Edgar Saltus
British Dictionary definitions for hum
verb hums, humming or hummed(intr) to make a low continuous vibrating sound like that of a prolonged m (intr) (of a person) to sing with the lips closed (intr) to utter an indistinct sound, as in hesitation; hem (intr) informal to be in a state of feverish activity (intr) British and Irish slang to smell unpleasant (intr) Australian slang to scrounge hum and haw See hem 2 (def. 3) nouna low continuous murmuring sound electronics an undesired low-frequency noise in the output of an amplifier or receiver, esp one caused by the power supply Australian slang a scrounger; cadger British and Irish slang an unpleasant odour interjection, nounan indistinct sound of hesitation, embarrassment, etc; hem Derived forms of humhummer, nounWord Origin for humC14: of imitative origin; compare Dutch hommelen, Old High German humbal bumblebee Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to humpurr, strum, moan, throb, whisper, warble, croon, murmur, sing, mumble, trill, sound, bumble, rustle, zoom, drone, bum, whir, bombinate, thrum Medical definitions for hum
n.A low, continuous murmur blended of many sounds. The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. |