an institution in which sick or injured persons are given medical or surgical treatment.
a similar establishment for the care of animals.
a repair shop for specific portable objects: violin hospital; doll hospital.
British. an institution supported by charity or taxes for the care of the needy, as an orphanage or old people's home.
Origin of hospital
1250–1300; Middle English hospitale<Medieval Latin, noun use of neuter of Latin hospitālis hospitable, equivalent to hospit- (see hospitium) + -ālis-al1
He wears a mask in hospitals, he says, not for himself but for others.
In 160 words, Trump reveals how little he cares about the pandemic|Philip Bump|September 17, 2020|Washington Post
When Paul grew ill, Ryan, a hospital social worker, knew something was up.
A Welcome Lifeline|Washington Regional Transplant Community|September 17, 2020|Washington Blade
By “equal visitation,” the statement was referring to a hospital policy that allows same-sex partners to have the same visitation privileges as legal family members to visit someone in the hospital.
HRC examines hospital policies, impact of COVID on LGBTQ people|Lou Chibbaro Jr.|September 16, 2020|Washington Blade
Recommending against civilians wearing high-quality masks meant more high-quality masks could be sent to hospitals facing a flood of infected patients.
Parsing Trump’s baffling, head-slapping comments on mask-wearing|Philip Bump|September 16, 2020|Washington Post
Federal regulators focus on this statistic to evaluate — and sometimes penalize — transplant programs, giving hospitals across the country a reputational and financial incentive to game it.
ProPublica Investigation on Newark Hospital Transplant Team Wins Deadline Club Award|by ProPublica|September 15, 2020|ProPublica
When the father arrived at the hospital, he was told that Andrew Dossi was in surgery, but the wounds were not life-threatening.
Shot Down During the NYPD Slowdown|Michael Daly|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST
By the time the ambulance arrived, over 10 minutes later, it was too late—Mills died soon after arriving at the hospital.
Red Tape Is Strangling Good Samaritans|Philip K. Howard|December 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“The Center was actually able to get me into the hospital and get me the new medications that were available,” Thom said.
The LGBT Center That Changed Our Lives|Justin Jones|December 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Liu had been married just two months before and his wife now stood in this Brooklyn hospital, a sudden widow because of a madman.
Two Cops ‘Assassinated’ in Brooklyn|Michael Daly|December 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Both Mayor De Blasio and Police Commissioner William Bratton rushed to the hospital.
Two Cops ‘Assassinated’ in Brooklyn|Michael Daly|December 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
When shall we know whether they are dead or alive, whether strong and healthy or moaning upon a bed in hospital?
Six Women and the Invasion|Gabrielle Yerta
I knew in what manner patients were treated at the hospital, and removal thither was to the last degree abhorred.
Arthur Mervyn|Charles Brockden Brown
It is curious to find that in 1821 the function of the hospital as a school for students of medicine was something of a novelty.
Springtime and Other Essays|Francis Darwin
A few days before, Si, while passing near the hospital, saw a weak convalescent faint and fall.
Si Klegg, Book 6 (of 6)|John McElroy
Do you remember the first hospital bed you ever made, the first bed-bath you gave, the first massage?
Applied Psychology for Nurses|Mary F. Porter
British Dictionary definitions for hospital
/ (ˈhɒspɪtəl) /
an institution for the medical, surgical, obstetric, or psychiatric care and treatment of patients
(modifier)having the function of a hospitala hospital ship
a repair shop for something specifieda dolls' hospital
archaica charitable home, hospice, or school
Word Origin for hospital
C13: from Medieval Latin hospitāle hospice, from Latin hospitālis relating to a guest, from hospes, hospit- guest, host1