If you’re lucky, your TV or soundbar will be one of that allows the lip sync feature to adjust in both directions—or at least you’ll have a higher-end soundbar with enough inputs for all your devices.
How to fix that annoying audio delay on your soundbar|Whitson Gordon|August 25, 2020|Popular Science
However, your TV may be able to do this audio unpacking process itself—taking the load off your soundbar and allowing the two to stay in sync.
How to fix that annoying audio delay on your soundbar|Whitson Gordon|August 25, 2020|Popular Science
If none of these lip sync features solve the problem, though, you’ll have to get a bit more creative.
How to fix that annoying audio delay on your soundbar|Whitson Gordon|August 25, 2020|Popular Science
Couple that with any other processing you’re doing—like motion smoothing on your TV, or “virtual surround”-type features on the soundbar—and you’re basically guaranteed out-of-sync dialogue.
How to fix that annoying audio delay on your soundbar|Whitson Gordon|August 25, 2020|Popular Science
They keep their distance from each other even as they move in sync.
On an Alaskan glacier, little green moss balls roll in herds|Beth Geiger|July 30, 2020|Science News For Students
Bass once suffered the indignity of being the third hottest member of 'N Sync, widely considered to be less hot than JC Chasez.
The Ice Bucket Challenge: Celebrities Promote ALS Awareness, Washboard Abs|Amy Zimmerman|August 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But to win the battle, a company has to be in sync with consumer needs and habits.
Why Apple’s iTunes Radio Isn’t a Threat to Pandora or Spotify…Yet|Lauren DeLisa Coleman|November 12, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Like few public officials, Booker has gone out of his way to establish that he is in sync with the problems of his constituents.
How Did Cory Booker Get Himself Into Such a Dumb Money Mess?|Stuart Stevens|August 13, 2013|DAILY BEAST
In so many ways, the manner of our interaction has fallen so radically out of sync with the problems that confront us.
Find a China Reset Button|Orville Schell|June 7, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Neither of these sync exactly with the top stated goals of American intervention advocates.
What Israel's Attack Doesn't Mean For American Intervention In Syria|Ali Gharib|May 6, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Robots humped underfoot moving objects, keeping them in sync with the changes in Florida.
Makers|Cory Doctorow
I hae na seen ye're bonny face these muckle years, sir, sync ye cam' back frae ae sight o' the young mistress.
Richard Carvel, Complete|Winston Churchill
I told you she was a potent force—a full-scale powerhouse, in sync and on the line.
Masters of Space|Edward Elmer Smith
The way you get a ride online is to sync up with our version-server and then instantiate a copy.
Makers|Cory Doctorow
British Dictionary definitions for sync
an informal word for synchronize
an informal word for synchronizationin sync; out of sync See synchronization