He appeared to be in his community, surrounded by horrified people, many of them young.
I wasn’t ready to watch Jacob Blake get shot in the back. Social media didn’t care|Ellen McGirt|August 25, 2020|Fortune
I was pretty horrified by how disconnected so many of our representatives are from the future of our economy and working families, how divided they are in fighting instead of problem-solving.
Brynne Kennedy could be the first female tech founder to serve in Congress|ehinchliffe|August 24, 2020|Fortune
As polio symptoms started manifesting in people who had taken the vaccine, horrified regulators pulled thousands of doses from shelves.
Butterfly Effect: The Unscientific Vaccine|Charu Kasturi|August 13, 2020|Ozy
In the video, a group of horrified onlookers demanded to know where the woman was being taken.
Police Used Smart Streetlight Footage to Investigate Protesters|Jesse Marx|June 29, 2020|Voice of San Diego
“My grandmother was horrified, she really wanted me to lead a wonderful life,” Vreeland says now.
From Fashion Player to Photographer Monk|Nina Strochlic|December 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Her heartbroken and horrified brother, Sam Jones, made the identification.
Indiana Serial Killer’s Confession Was Just the Start|Michael Daly|October 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Every time she looks in the mirror, she says, she thinks about what has happened and is horrified.
Acid Attacks on Women Spread Terror in Iran|IranWire|October 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Now that it’s all out it in the open, Sayreville residents are rightly “shocked” and “horrified” saying, ‘This is crazy.
The Violent Side of Friday Night Lights|Robert Silverman|October 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I was so horrified and obsessed with the end of the world since age 4.
Carrie Coon on ‘The Leftovers,’ That Wild Finale, Her Apocalyptic Visions, and ‘Gone Girl’|Marlow Stern|September 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
You are horrified by the thought of it, but the day will come when you must again raise your hand against the woman who loves you.
From the Housetops|George Barr McCutcheon
Monny (after a sandy introduction) listened to these verbal vandalisms in horrified silence.
It Happened in Egypt|C. N. Williamson
And are you not horrified at the crime of which you have made yourself an accomplice?
The Man in the Iron Mask|Alexandre Dumas, Pere
Eve's horrified stare was natural; she had not realised that any man could wear so evil a smile.
The Flaming Jewel|Robert W. Chambers
How often we have been horrified by these galvanized and ogling corpses.