noun a woman's skirt made to stand out and drape in a stiff bell-like shape from the waist by an undergarment framework of flexible hoops connected by tapes.
the framework for such a skirt.
Origin of hoop skirt An Americanism dating back to 1855–60
Words nearby hoop skirt hoopla, hoopman, hoopoe, hoop-petticoat narcissus, hoop pine, hoop skirt , hoop snake, hoopster, hoorah, hooray, Hooray Henry
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for hoop skirt The French designer presented a hoop-skirt gown that was turned up to reveal four little girls crouching underneath.
Jean Paul Gaultier’s Hoop Skirt Trick, Vanity Fair's Best Dressed Competition | The Fashion Beast Team| January 24, 2013| DAILY BEAST
One stands up to allow a lemonade-seller to pass; she wears a hoop-skirt twelve feet in circumference.
The Blue-Grass Region of Kentucky | James Lane Allen
My hoop-skirt caught on one of the posts, and I fell sprawling into the yard.
Behind the Scenes | Elizabeth Keckley
A man once dived into your depths and brought up a horse collar and a hoop-skirt.
It was the days of the hoop-skirt and she just about filled the door, so that nobody might see past her.
The Adventures of Two Alabama Boys | H. J. Crumpton and Washington Bryan Crumpton
In one tent was a side-saddle, a neat pair of gaiters, and a hoop-skirt.
Camp-Fire and Cotton-Field | Thomas W. Knox