to cause to move to and fro, sway, or oscillate, as something suspended from above: to swing one's arms in walking.
to cause to move in alternate directions or in either direction around a fixed point, on an axis, or on a line of support, as a door on hinges.
to move (the hand or something held) with an oscillating or rotary movement: to swing one's fists; to swing a club around one's head.
Aeronautics. to pull or turn (a propeller) by hand, especially in order to start the engine.
to turn in a new direction in a curve, as if around a central point: to swing the car into the driveway.
to suspend so as to hang freely, as a hammock or a door.
Informal. to influence or win over; manage or arrange as desired: to swing votes; to swing a business deal.
to direct, change, or shift (one's interest, opinion, support, etc.).
to turn (a ship or aircraft) to various headings in order to check compass deviation.
verb (used without object),swung,swing·ing.
to move or sway to and fro, as a pendulum or other suspended object.
to move to and fro in a swing, as for recreation.
to move in alternate directions or in either direction around a point, an axis, or a line of support, as a gate on its hinges.
to move in a curve, as around a corner or central point: The highway swings to the east.
to move with a free, swaying motion, as soldiers on the march.
to be suspended so as to hang freely, as a bell or hammock.
to move by grasping a support with the hands and drawing up the arms or using the momentum of the swaying body: a monkey swinging through trees.
to change or shift one's attention, interest, opinion, condition, etc.: He swung from mere indifference to outright scorn.
to hit at someone or something, with the hand or something grasped in the hand: The batter swung and struck out.
to be characterized by a modern, lively atmosphere: Las Vegas swings all year.
to be stylish, trendy, hip, etc., especially in pursuing enjoyment.
to engage uninhibitedly in sexual activity.
(of married couples) to exchange partners for sexual activity.
Informal. to suffer death by hanging: He'll swing for the crime.
the act, manner, or progression of swinging; movement in alternate directions or in a particular direction.
the amount or extent of such movement: to correct the swing of a pendulum.
a curving movement or course.
a moving of the body with a free, swaying motion, as in walking.
a blow or stroke with the hand or an object grasped in the hands: His swing drove the ball over the fence.
a change or shift in attitude, opinion, behavior, etc.
a steady, marked rhythm or movement, as of verse or music.
a regular upward or downward movement in the price of a commodity or of a security, or in any business activity.
a work period coming between the regular day and night shifts.
a change by a group of workers from working one shift to working another.
freedom of action: to have free swing in carrying out a project.
active operation; progression: to get into the swing of things.
something that is swung or that swings.
a seat suspended from above by means of a loop of rope or between ropes or rods, on which one may sit and swing to and fro for recreation.
the maximum diameter of the work machinable in a certain lathe or other machine tool.
of or relating to a swing.
capable of determining the outcome, as of an election; deciding, as in swing vote; swing voter.
designed or constructed to permit swinging or hanging.
acting to relieve other workers when needed, as at night.
Idioms for swing
in full swing, operating at the highest speed or level of activity; in full operation: Automobile production is in full swing.
swing round the circle, to tour an area on a political campaign.
take a swing at, to strike or attempt to strike with the fist: to take a swing at a rude waiter.
Origin of swing
before 900; Middle English swingen (verb), Old English swingan; cognate with German schwingen
21 sway, vibration, oscillation.
22 range, scope, sweep, play.
synonym study for swing
10. Swing,sway,oscillate,rock suggest a movement back and forth. Swing expresses the comparatively regular motion to and fro of a body supported from the end or ends, especially from above: A lamp swings from the ceiling.To sway is to swing gently and is used especially of fixed objects or of persons: Young oaks sway in the breeze.Oscillate refers to the smooth, regular, alternating movement of a body within certain limits between two fixed points. Rock indicates the slow and regular movement back and forth of a body, as on curved supports: A cradle rocks.
Also called Big Band music,swing music . a style of jazz, popular especially in the 1930s and often arranged for a large dance band, marked by a smoother beat and more flowing phrasing than Dixieland and having less complex harmonies and rhythms than modern jazz.
the rhythmic element that excites dancers and listeners to move in time to jazz music.
of, relating to, or characteristic of swing: a swing record.
The trend is about the same in the swing states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin as nationally.
SurveyMonkey poll: Suburbs and the safety wedge|Margaret Talev|September 17, 2020|Axios
Here are the shifts in each major swing state — defined as the states with more than a 1 percent chance of being the Electoral College tipping point, per the FiveThirtyEight model.
Trump Has Lost His Edge In TV Advertising|Nathaniel Rakich (|September 16, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
This is the fourth in a series of articles examining the politics and demographics of 2020’s expected swing states.
Why Pennsylvania Could Decide The 2020 Election|Nathaniel Rakich (|September 15, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
Family members who offered me places to stay live in red or swing states where I’d dread walking into grocery stores packed with people proudly refusing to wear masks.
In defense of California|James Temple|September 4, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Today, the president has traveled to Kenosha, one of the swingiest cities in a swing state poised to decide his fate.
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to Kenosha|Ellen McGirt|September 1, 2020|Fortune
A call made to police beforehand described Rice as “a guy with a pistol” on a swing set, but said it was “probably fake.”
The 14 Teens Killed by Cops Since Michael Brown|Nina Strochlic|November 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I never actually tried to swing from tree vine to tree vine, but I did consider it.
Can Tarzan of the Apes Survive in a Post-Colonial World?|Ted Gioia|November 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But the idea of the swing voter is way oversold by the media.
Reality Check: There Are No Swing Voters|Goldie Taylor|November 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Yes, the Republicans won statewide races in red states or in swing states.
GOP Shocks Democrats in Governor Races|Ben Jacobs|November 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In 2014, it appears, the key to winning in a swing state is to avoid talking about issues and emphasize pig castration.
Tea Party Firebrand Wins Big in Iowa|Ben Jacobs|November 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
When the swing stopped, the girl slipped off the seat and ran away as if she were answering a call.
Married|August Strindberg
He had regained his grip upon one of those slender hands and was preparing to swing her up to the top of an incredibly high rock.
The Finding of Haldgren|Charles Willard Diffin
Here the fog had so far lightened as to enable the officers to swing the ship.
Fragments of science, V. 1-2|John Tyndall
Then they laid hands upon the village maidens and began to turn and swing them round and round.
The Monk and The Hangman's Daughter|Adolphe Danziger De Castro and Ambrose Bierce
A certain "swing" entered into the marching; there was less changing step, less shuffling.
British Dictionary definitions for swing
/ (swɪŋ) /
verbswings, swingingorswung
to move or cause to move rhythmically to and fro, as a free-hanging object; sway
(intr)to move, walk, etc, with a relaxed and swaying motion
to pivot or cause to pivot, as on a hinge
to move or cause to move in a curvethe car swung around the bend
to move or cause to move by suspending or being suspended
to hang or be hung so as to be able to turn freely
(intr)slangto be hangedhe'll swing for it
to alter or cause to alter habits, a course, etc
(tr)informalto influence or manipulate successfullyI hope he can swing the deal
(tr foll by up) to raise or hoist, esp in a sweeping motion
(intr often foll by at) to hit out or strike (at), esp with a sweeping motion
(tr)to wave (a weapon, etc) in a sweeping motion; flourish
to arrange or play (music) with the rhythmically flexible and compulsive quality associated with jazz
(intr)(of popular music, esp jazz, or of the musicians who play it) to have this quality
slangto be lively and modern
(intr)slangto swap sexual partners in a group, esp habitually
(intr)cricketto bowl (a ball) with swing or (of a ball) to move with a swing
to turn (a ship or aircraft) in order to test compass error
swing both waysslangto enjoy sexual partners of both sexes
swing the leadinformalto malinger or make up excuses
the act or manner of swinging or the distance covered while swinginga wide swing
a sweeping stroke or blow
boxinga wide punch from the side similar to but longer than a hook
cricketthe lateral movement of a bowled ball through the air
any free-swaying motion
any curving movement; sweep
something that swings or is swung, esp a suspended seat on which a person may sit and swing back and forth
a kind of popular dance music influenced by jazz, usually played by big bands and originating in the 1930s
(as modifier)swing music
See swingbeat
prosodya steady distinct rhythm or cadence in prose or verse
informalthe normal round or paceget into the swing of things
a fluctuation, as in some business activity, voting pattern etc
(as modifier)able to bring about a swing in a voting patternswing party
(as modifier)having a mixed voting history, and thus becoming a target for political election campaignersa swing state
USinformalfree scope; freedom of activity
mainlyUSa circular tour
Canadiana tour of a particular area or region
Canadian(in the North) a train of freight sleighs or canoes
go with a swingto go well; be successful
in full swingat the height of activity
swings and roundaboutsequal advantages and disadvantages
Word Origin for swing
Old English swingan; related to Old Frisian swinga, Old High German swingan
A kind of jazz generally played by a “Big Band” and characterized by a lively rhythm suitable for dancing. The bands of Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman, and Glenn Miller played swing.