

单词 heteropatriarchy


[ het-er-oh-pey-tree-ahr-kee ]
/ ˌhɛt ər oʊˈpeɪ triˌɑr ki /

noun plural het·er·o·pa·tri·arch·ies.

a society or culture dominated by a ruling class of heterosexual males whose characteristic bias is unfavorable to gay people and females in general: Clearly, their goal is to establish a new heteropatriarchy.

Origin of heteropatriarchy

First recorded in 1980–85; hetero- + patriarchy

OTHER WORDS FROM heteropatriarchy

het·er·o·pa·tri·ar·chal [het-er-oh-pey-tree-ahr-kuhl], /ˌhɛt ər oʊˌpeɪ triˈɑr kəl/, het·er·o·pa·tri·ar·chic [het-er-oh-pey-tree-ahr-kik,] /ˌhɛt ər oʊˌpeɪ triˈɑr kɪk,/ het·er·o·pa·tri·ar·chi·cal, adjectivehet·er·o·pa·tri·ar·cal·ism, nounhet·er·o·pa·tri·ar·chal·ly, het·er·o·pa·tri·ar·chi·cal·ly, adverb

Words nearby heteropatriarchy

heteronymous, heteronymous diplopia, heteronymous hemianopsia, Heteroousian, heteropathy, heteropatriarchy, heterophagy, heterophasia, heterophemia, heterophil, heterophil antigen
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020




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