释义 |
[ heer-tuh-fawr, -fohr ] / ˌhɪər təˈfɔr, -ˈfoʊr / SEE SYNONYMS FOR heretofore ON THESAURUS.COM
adverbbefore this time; until now. Origin of heretofore1300–50; Middle English heretoforn, equivalent to herehere + toforn,Old English tōforan (tōto + foran before; see fore1) Words nearby heretoforehere, there, and everywhere, heretic, heretical, hereto, Here today, gone tomorrow, heretofore, here to stay, hereunder, hereunto, hereupon, Hereward Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for heretoforeGone, too, are the heretofore immutable protections of intellectual property rights. Van Dyke Parks on How Songwriters Are Getting Screwed in the Digital Age|Van Dyke Parks|June 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST The intersection is essentially between the Brotherhood, the military, the revolutionaries, and the heretofore silent majority. Morsi-less: Are Egyptians Done with the Muslim Brothers?|Hussein Ibish|July 1, 2013|DAILY BEAST As such, the heretofore obscure executive now occupies a place of privilege in the financial elite. 9 Fun Facts About the NYSE’s New Boss|Miranda Green|December 20, 2012|DAILY BEAST There will be outrage that Obama caved on his one heretofore firm condition on taxes. Win-Win Strategy: Michael Tomasky’s Foolproof Plan for Obama|Michael Tomasky|June 12, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Yet the Tea Party movement has generated enthusiasm in the electorate that has heretofore not been evident. Will the Tea Party Win in November?|Doug Schoen, Will Bunch|September 22, 2010|DAILY BEAST Heretofore this subspecies has not been recorded from Coahuila. Birds from Coahuila, Mexico|Emil K. Urban This was the home to which she had heretofore been accustomed. Heretofore, while there had been much discussion as to the breeding of racing dogs, it had been largely theoretical. The Land of Tomorrow|William B Stephenson, Jr. Our road still lay along shore, and, as the weather was getting colder, we proceeded along much more easily than heretofore. Hudson Bay|R.M. Ballantyne So instead, heretofore, of retiring in defeat, the weakest had retired in apparent victory. The Homesteader|Oscar Micheaux
British Dictionary definitions for heretofore
adverbformal until now; before this time adjectiveobsolete previous; former nounthe heretofore archaic the past Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to heretoforepreviously, formerly, before, since, so far |