a person appointed and authorized to examine accounts and accounting records, compare the charges with the vouchers, verify balance sheet and income items, and state the result.
a university student registered for a course without credit and without obligation to do work assigned to the class.
a hearer; listener.
Origin of auditor
1300–50; Middle English auditour<Anglo-French <Latin audītor hearer, equivalent to audī(re) to hear + -tor-tor
Audit Bureau of Circulation, audition, auditionee, auditioner, auditive, auditor, Auditor General, auditorium, auditory, auditory aphasia, auditory area
Ernst won her race for Montgomery County auditor, a deceptively powerful position in local Hawkeye State politics, in 2005.
In 2005, ‘Iowa Nice’ Ernst Helped to Oust Veterans From Local Board After They Opposed Her Candidacy|Ben Jacobs|October 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Once the document was produced, the auditor checked it off his list, DiPascali said.
Madoff Henchman Rats Out Co-Workers|Allan Dodds Frank|December 3, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Six out of seven statewide elected officials, from governor on down to auditor, are Democrats.
How to Turn a Red State Blue|Michael Tomasky|August 2, 2013|DAILY BEAST
And for their services -- as Autonomy's auditor -- they got a nice fee.
How HP’s Disastrous Deal Blows a Hole in Consulting|Alex Klein|November 21, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Bar-Fields had served two years in the Navy and now worked two jobs back in Texas, one of them as a night auditor at a hotel.
Following Joshua Foer to the USA Memory Championship|Rob Verger|April 1, 2012|DAILY BEAST
He was an auditor of Josephine's Read's garbled story of our church-yard adventure; he had heard a true statement from me.
Alone|Marion Harland
Max, the only auditor of these declamations, was greatly excited by them.
Vassall Morton|Francis Parkman
So Maurice told the story, which amused his auditor not a little, especially when he tried on the mustache in his presence.
Tom, The Bootblack|Horatio Alger
"But that would have been defiance of the orders of the Navy Department," responded his auditor, aghast.
The Naval History of the United States|Willis J. Abbot.
The royal decree having been issued, the archbishop yielded, and absolved the said auditor, Marcos Çapatta.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 (Vol 27 of 55)|Various
British Dictionary definitions for auditor
/ (ˈɔːdɪtə) /
a person qualified to audit accounts
a person who hears or listens
Australian, US and Canadiana registered student who attends a class that is not an official part of his course of study, without actively participating it
Derived forms of auditor
auditorial, adjective
Word Origin for auditor
C14: from Old French auditeur, from Latin audītor a hearer