He gets up and goes over to their table and introduces himself, and he says, ‘Hello, I’m Oliver Reed.
The Story Behind Lee Marvin’s Liberty Valance Smile|Robert Ward|January 3, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Forty Years Young: Hello Kitty and the Power of Cute By Julia Rubin, Racked Hello Kitty is everywhere.
The Daily Beast’s Best Longreads, Nov 17-23, 2014|William Boot|November 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Hello Ladies is, of course, about your British character navigating the L.A. dating scene.
Stephen Merchant Talks ‘Hello Ladies’ movie, the Nicole Kidman Cameo, and Legacy of ‘The Office’|Marlow Stern|November 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And where did the idea of the Hello Ladies movie come about?
Stephen Merchant Talks ‘Hello Ladies’ movie, the Nicole Kidman Cameo, and Legacy of ‘The Office’|Marlow Stern|November 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
There was one incident that did happen that was dramatized in the Hello Ladies movie.
Stephen Merchant Talks ‘Hello Ladies’ movie, the Nicole Kidman Cameo, and Legacy of ‘The Office’|Marlow Stern|November 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
At Linda's step in the doorway she turned a smiling face upon her and cried: "Hello, little sister, come in and tell me the news."
Her Father's Daughter|Gene Stratton-Porter
Finally he decided he must have gone about a hundred feet, instead of fifty and halting he shouted, "Hello!"
The Iron Boys in the Steel Mills|James R. Mears
Hello—there goes the quarter—the lights 'll go out in fifteen minutes.
The Red Debt|Everett MacDonald
After we deposit our money suppose we drop down to Jackson Street wharf an' say hello to Scraggs.
Captain Scraggs|Peter B. Kyne
Soon another boy came in and I heard him say, "Hello, Ralph, did you hear about the 'tectives?"
Looking Back|Merrick Abner Richardson
British Dictionary definitions for hello
/ (hɛˈləʊ, hə-, ˈhɛləʊ) /
sentence substitute
an expression of greeting used on meeting a person or at the start of a telephone call
a call used to attract attention
an expression of surprise
an expression used to indicate that the speaker thinks his or her listener is naive or slow to realize somethingHello? Have you been on Mars for the past two weeks or something?
Why Do We Say “Hello” And “Hi”?Hi, hello, how are ya? We use these words every day to greet others, but have you thought about why? Where do these words come from?
Words related to hello
welcome, howdy, hi, greetings, bonjour, buenas noches, buenos dias, good day, good morning, hey, how are you, how goes it, shalom, what's up