These concerns are heightened by the FDA’s premature EUA of hydroxychloroquine prior to testing last spring, an approval the FDA later withdrew.
6 questions that must be answered in the race for a vaccine|jakemeth|September 15, 2020|Fortune
A pandemic-induced economic collapse will only heighten the vulnerabilities and speed the transition, reducing to nothing whatever thin margin of financial protection has kept people in place.
Climate Change Will Force a New American Migration|by Abrahm Lustgarten, photography by Meridith Kohut|September 15, 2020|ProPublica
Long-term care residents also are at heightened risk of institutional abuse and neglect.
Confirmed Nursing Home Complaints Plummet During Pandemic|Jared Whitlock|August 25, 2020|Voice of San Diego
They say the fact that the utility is getting out of the power-buying business, and will be relying on the 10 percent return it gets to build things, heightens the importance of the charge.
The City Is Walking a Fine Line in Demanding Millions From Its Next Power Provider|MacKenzie Elmer|August 7, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Instead, an unusual number of problems have occurred — some serious enough that they have made it harder for people to vote and even put them at a heightened risk for infection.
There Have Been 38 Statewide Elections During The Pandemic. Here’s How They Went.|Nathaniel Rakich (|August 3, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
Or really more that Instagram is no different than these paintings of yore that served to heighten status.
Adrian Grenier Talks the Economy, the ‘Entourage’ Movie, and the HBO Series’ Alleged ‘Misogyny’|Marlow Stern|October 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“AIDS is effecting the world, so I wanted to heighten the awareness that we are all in the same boat,” Mooney said.
Victor Mooney’s Epic Adventure for His Dead Brother|Justin Jones|October 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And the fact the line was moved from a scene in the middle of the film to one at the end only served to heighten its impact.
What Was Bogey Thinking When He Said ‘Here’s Looking At You, Kid’?|Lewis Beale|September 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He has spoken about how he would listen to her to smooth over the rough days, or heighten his joy.
Billie Holiday, Barack Obama, and the Pain of Black Women|Joshua DuBois|June 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Even poetry has been called into play to heighten the passions of the actors in this dangerous drama.
Putin’s Men in Ukraine: We’re Not Giving In|Anna Nemtsova|April 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A wit and beauty, she was mistress of the arts which heighten the powers of feminine tact and loveliness.
A Book About Lawyers|John Cordy Jeaffreson
These and many other activities are harmful to society; they undermine its morals and heighten corruption.
Woman and Socialism|August Bebel
These are not repeated, and the succeeding silence tends to heighten the unpleasant impression which they make on the mind.
The Western World|W.H.G. Kingston
Every event in the life of Constantia contributed to heighten this passion beyond customary bounds.
Ormond, Volume III (of 3)|Charles Brockden Brown
Every thing conspired to heighten the impression produced on the admiring spectators.