of more than average weight or thickness: a coat of heavyweight material.
noting or pertaining to a boxer, wrestler, etc., of the heaviest competitive class, especially a professional boxer weighing more than 175 pounds (79.4 kilograms).
of or relating to the weight class or division of such boxers: a heavyweight bout.
(of a riding horse, especially a hunter) able to carry up to 205 pounds (93 kilograms).
designating a person, company, nation, or other entity that is extremely powerful, influential, or important: a team of heavyweight lawyers.
a person of more than average weight.
a heavyweight boxer or wrestler.
a person, company, nation, or other entity that is powerful and influential: a price hike initiated by the heavyweights in the industry.
Origin of heavyweight
First recorded in 1850–55; heavy + weight
Words nearby heavyweight
heavy petting, heavyset, heavy spar, heavy water, heavy-water reactor, heavyweight, Heb, Hebbel, hebdomad, hebdomadal, Hebdomadal Council