a word or phrase preceded by a hash mark (#), used within a message to identify a keyword or topic of interest and facilitate a search for it: The hashtag #sandiegofire was used to help coordinate an emergency response to the fire.
a hash mark used in this way.
a word or phrase preceded by a hash mark (#) or by the word hashtag, used to add wit or emphasis to a spoken or written statement.
a hash mark or the word hashtag used in this way, as in the sentence His goodbye was so hashtag awkward.
verb (used with or without object),hash·tagged,hash·tag·ging.
to add a hashtag to (a word, topic, or message): Someone on Twitter just hashtagged the film festival.
WATCH NOW: Words That The Internet Has Changed
Have you ever found yourself scrolling through social media, confused by all of the new slang out there. Well we asked all of you to tell us about the words you've seen change in meaning on social media.
Origin of hashtag
First recorded in 2005–10; hash (mark) + tag1 (in the sense “a label or keyword”)
#MeToo And Other Hashtags That Inspired A MovementHashtag activism is the newest, easiest, most engaging way to start a social movement ... but does it work?
How Did April Reign Create The Hashtag #OscarsSoWhite?Hashtags are great for getting a conversation going. But how do you create one, and how does it go viral? April Reign answered some of these questions.