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[ hahrd-hit-ing ] / ˈhɑrdˈhɪt ɪŋ / SEE SYNONYMS FOR hard-hitting ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectivestriking or capable of striking with force. strikingly or effectively forceful: a hard-hitting exposé. Origin of hard-hittingFirst recorded in 1830–40 Words nearby hard-hittinghardheads, hardhead sponge, hardhearted, hard-hit, hard hitter, hard-hitting, Hardicanute, Hardie, hardihood, hardily, hardiment Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for hard-hittingCan music be both milquetoast and hard-hitting at the same time? Jennifer Lopez’s ‘A.K.A.’ Is Terrible. What Happened to Her Music?|Kevin Fallon|June 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST The taste is intense, with hard-hitting wormwood flavor and lemony undertones. The Absinthe-Minded Porteños of Buenos Aires|Jeff Campagna|March 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST Ann Romney did much better, with her hard-hitting theme: Mitt Romney does not fail at what he undertakes. Ann Romney Scores, Chris Christie Misses|David Frum|August 29, 2012|DAILY BEAST The result is a hard-hitting drama that deals with the unknowable impulses of the universe and of the human heart itself. The Best and Worst TV Shows of the Year|Jace Lacob|December 19, 2010|DAILY BEAST
And in this environment, hard-hitting, independent, honest brokers are more important than ever before. Rush and the Wingnuts' Absurd New Obama Theory|John Avlon|November 5, 2010|DAILY BEAST Robinsons first man up was the redoubtable Hopkins; he had gained the sobriquet of Hard-hitting Hopkins last season. Weatherby's Inning|Ralph Henry Barbour He was the best type of the good-natured, level-headed, hard-hitting Englishman. Tracks of a Rolling Stone|Henry J. Coke We manufactured a great number of these in Tartary, and found them hard-hitting and durable. Shifts and Expedients of Camp Life, Travel & Exploration|W. B. Lord Ken went out deeper, for he knew most hard-hitting left-handers hit to right field. The Young Pitcher|Zane Grey The plain profile of this man reminds one of the hard-hitting, rough-riding Roundhead. The Broken Sword|Dennison Worthington
British Dictionary definitions for hard-hitting
adjectiveuncompromising; tougha hard-hitting report on urban deprivation Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to hard-hittingpithy, compelling, cogent, commanding, convincing, dominant, dynamic, dynamical, effective, electric, elemental, energetic, forcible, gutsy, mighty, persuasive, potent, powerful, ball of fire, bullish |