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[ haf-hahr-tid, hahf- ] / ˈhæfˈhɑr tɪd, ˈhɑf- / SEE SYNONYMS FOR halfhearted ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectivehaving or showing little enthusiasm: a halfhearted attempt to work. Origin of halfheartedFirst recorded in 1605–15; half + heart + -ed3 SYNONYMS FOR halfheartedindifferent, uninterested, cold, cool, perfunctory. SEE SYNONYMS FOR halfhearted ON THESAURUS.COM ANTONYMS FOR halfheartedenthusiastic. SEE ANTONYMS FOR halfhearted ON THESAURUS.COM OTHER WORDS FROM halfheartedhalf·heart·ed·ly, adverbhalf·heart·ed·ness, nounWords nearby halfheartedhalf gainer, half-gallon, half-glasses, half-grown, half-hardy, halfhearted, half hitch, half-holiday, half-hoping, half hose, half-hour Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for halfheartedObama, the halfhearted visitor, had his face clinched in a frozen smile. Nina Khrushcheva on the Importance of the G20 in St. Petersburg|Nina Khrushcheva|September 6, 2013|DAILY BEAST The result is a series of halfhearted reforms by old men in camouflage. Cuba’s Leaders Talk of Reform, but It Doesn’t Add Up to Much|Mac Margolis|October 27, 2012|DAILY BEAST He gave a halfhearted, widely panned speech on the night he finished a distant third in New Hampshire. Plight of the Republican Presidential Race’s Zombie Candidates|Matt Bennett|January 19, 2012|DAILY BEAST The United States will issue a halfhearted rebuke and some useless words about “deploring the deaths” that occurred on the ships. A Blunder No PR Can Fix|Reza Aslan|June 1, 2010|DAILY BEAST
She spelled “recalcitrance,” then “pernicious,” and after a halfhearted debate it was obvious that none of the three had a clue. John Grisham's Debut Short Story|John Grisham|October 26, 2009|DAILY BEAST We stood against them; were halfhearted, and were beaten; and then we petted them, and bit by bit our privileges were torn away. Beauchamp's Career, Complete|George Meredith The voice of the people is duly represented, but it is a very weak and halfhearted voice. The Boer in Peace and War|Arthur M. Mann The cow, shaking her head in a halfhearted defiance, followed. Lonesome Land|B. M. Bower Two or three women, far back in the hall, start a halfhearted handclapping. A Book of Burlesques|H. L. Mencken The guards were, as Erculio must have known they would be, halfhearted about carrying out their mandate. The Saracen: The Holy War|Robert Shea
British Dictionary definitions for halfhearted
adjectivewithout enthusiasm or determination Derived forms of half-heartedhalf-heartedly, adverbhalf-heartedness, nounCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to halfheartedperfunctory, tepid, listless, lukewarm, lackluster, apathetic, cool, impassive, indifferent, irresolute, neutral, passive, spiritless, tame, unenthusiastic, uninterested |