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[ stree-mer ] / ˈstri mər / SEE SYNONYMS FOR streamer ON THESAURUS.COM
nounsomething that streams: streamers of flame. a long, narrow flag or pennant. a long, flowing ribbon, feather, or the like used for ornament, as in dress. any long, narrow piece or thing, as a spray of a plant or a strip of cloud. a stream of light, especially one appearing in some forms of the aurora borealis. Electricity. an electric discharge in a narrow stream from a point of high potential on a charged body. Astronomy. a long extension of the solar corona, several solar radii long. Journalism. banner (def. 7). a parachute that comes out of its packing in a long stream but does not expand. Digital Technology. - a person who accesses and consumes streaming media, as television shows, movies, or music albums, over the internet.
- a person who publishes or transmits livestreaming media, with commentary or other additional content, on the internet.
Origin of streamerFirst recorded in 1250–1300, streamer is from the Middle English word stremer.See stream, -er1 Words nearby streamerstreaking, streak plate, streaky, stream, streambed, streamer, streamer fly, streamflow, streaming, streaming movement, streaming potential Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for streamerIt did not seem conceivable, upon such a day, that that streamer would soon flaunt for them. The Shoulders of Atlas|Mary E. Wilkins Freeman It was brought with a streamer flourishing before it, drums beating all the way, and other sorts of music. Picturesque Sketches of London, Past and Present|Thomas Miller Two tall poles with a streamer between them swung into view. It Could Be Anything|John Keith Laumer One hand keeps her balance with a pole, the other grasps a streamer of water-weed. Rest Harrow|Maurice Hewlett
British Dictionary definitions for streamer
nouna long narrow flag or part of a flag a long narrow coiled ribbon of coloured paper that becomes unrolled when tossed a stream of light, esp one appearing in some forms of the aurora journalism a large heavy headline printed across the width of a page of a newspaper computing another word for tape streamer Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to streamerflag, pennant, banner, pennon, ensign, standard, pendant, banderole |