

单词 stork


[ stawrk ]
/ stɔrk /

noun, plural storks, (especially collectively) stork.

any of several wading birds of the family Ciconiidae, having long legs and a long neck and bill.Compare adjutant stork, jabiru, marabou (def. 1), white stork, wood ibis.
the stork, this bird as the mythical or symbolic deliverer of a new baby: My brother and his wife are expecting the stork in July.

Origin of stork

before 900; Middle English; Old English storc; cognate with German Storch,Old Norse storkr; akin to stark


storklike, adjective

Words nearby stork

storeyed, storey house, storiated, storied, storiform, stork, stork parking, stork's-bill, storm, Storm and Stress, storm belt
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

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British Dictionary definitions for stork

/ (stɔːk) /


any large wading bird of the family Ciconiidae, chiefly of warm regions of the Old World, having very long legs and a long stout pointed bill, and typically having a white-and-black plumage: order Ciconiiformes
(sometimes capital) a variety of domestic fancy pigeon resembling the fairy swallow

Word Origin for stork

Old English storc; related to Old High German storah, Old Norse storkr, Old English stearc stiff; from the stiff appearance of its legs; see stark
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