

单词 guerrilla marketing

guerrilla marketing

[ guh-ril-uh-mahr-ki-ting ]
/ gəˈrɪl ə ˈmɑr kɪ tɪŋ /


a low-cost, nontraditional advertising strategy that uses imaginative presentation, as graffiti or public art installations, and interactive experiences, as stunts or treasure hunts: Successful guerrilla marketing is spread virally from person to person, online or by word of mouth.
Sometimes guer·ril·la ad·ver·tis·ing [guh-ril-uh-ad-ver-tahy-zing] /gəˈrɪl ə ˈæd vərˌtaɪ zɪŋ/ .

Origin of guerrilla marketing

Coined by Jay Conrad Levinson, U.S. business writer (1933-2013), the title of his 1984 book

Words nearby guerrilla marketing

Guernica, Guernsey, Guernsey lily, Guerrero, guerrilla, guerrilla marketing, guerrilla theater, guerrilla warfare, Guesclin, Guesde, guess
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020




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