to keep safe from harm or danger; protect; watch over: to guard the ruler.
to keep under close watch in order to prevent escape, misconduct, etc.: to guard a prisoner.
to keep under control or restraint as a matter of caution or prudence: to guard one's temper.
to provide or equip with some safeguard or protective appliance, as to prevent loss, injury, etc.
Sports. to position oneself so as to obstruct or impede the movement or progress of (an opponent on offense): The linebacker moved to his right to guard the end going out for a pass.
Chess. to protect (a piece or a square) by placing a piece in a supportive or defensive position relative to it.
verb (used without object)
to take precautions (usually followed by against): to guard against errors.
to give protection; keep watch; be watchful.
a person or group of persons that guards, protects, or keeps a protective or restraining watch.
a person who keeps watch over prisoners or others under restraint.
a body of people, especially soldiers, charged with guarding a place from disturbance, theft, fire, etc.
a close watch, as over a prisoner or other person under restraint: to be kept under guard.
a device, appliance, or attachment that prevents injury, loss, etc.
something intended or serving to guard or protect; safeguard: insurance as a guard against disasters.
a posture of defense or readiness, as in fencing, boxing, or bayonet drill.
either of the linemen stationed between a tackle and the center.
the position played by this lineman.
Basketball. either of the players stationed in the backcourt.
Chess. a piece that supports or defends another.
Cards. a low card that is held with a high card of the same suit and that enables the holder to save the high card for a later trick.
British. a railroad conductor.
Guards,the name of certain bodies of troops in the British army.
Idioms for guard
off guard, unprepared; unwary: The blow from behind caught him off guard.Also off one's guard.
on guard, vigilant; wary: on guard against dishonest merchants.Also on one's guard.
stand guard over, to watch over; protect: The dog stood guard over his wounded master.
Origin of guard
1375–1425; late Middle English garde guardianship <Old French g(u)arde, noun derivative of g(u)arder (v.) <Germanic; see ward
A guard is manning the door, which is always kept ajar so she can be monitored.
Should Teens Have The Right To Die?|Brandy Zadrozny|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
The government continues to call for calm while warning people to be on their guard.
France’s Wave of Crazy-Terror Christmas Attacks|Christopher Dickey|December 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Olga was on guard as always, and categorically refused to open the door unless the police produced a warrant.
How Havel Inspired the Velvet Revolution|Michael Zantovsky|December 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He was placed on a plane with a guard—but his wife and kids were still being held with 25 others five miles out of town.
‘Argo’ in the Congo: The Ghosts of the Stanleyville Hostage Crisis|Nina Strochlic|November 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Hayes never killed a guard (one of his fellow inmates did, however, shooting one to death following his release).
The Unbelievable (True) Story of the World’s Most Infamous Hash Smuggler|Marlow Stern|November 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He drew back a little, first checking to see if the guard was watching, then he bent down and looked into the jar.
The Egyptian Cat Mystery|Harold Leland Goodwin
As the day wore on reinforcements of infantry came up from the force which had been left to guard the camp.
The Great Boer War|Arthur Conan Doyle
A regiment of infantry and a battalion of cavalry were put on guard and patrolled the streets to reduce the riotous to order.
From Fort Henry to Corinth|Manning Ferguson Force
The upper part of the stud is screwed, and carries the guard D and an hexagonal nut E. F is the india-rubber.
An Introduction to Machine Drawing and Design|David Allan Low
He ceased to be on his guard with her because, in good truth, it seemed to him there ceased to be anything to guard against.
The History of Sir Richard Calmady|Lucas Malet
British Dictionary definitions for guard
/ (ɡɑːd) /
to watch over or shield (a person or thing) from danger or harm; protect
to keep watch over (a prisoner or other potentially dangerous person or thing), as to prevent escape
(tr)to controlto guard one's tongue
(intr usually foll by against) to take precautions
to control entrance and exit through (a gate, door, etc)
(tr)to provide (machinery, etc) with a device to protect the operator
chesscardsto protect or cover (a chess man or card) with another
curlingbowlsto protect or cover (a stone or bowl) by placing one's own stone or bowl between it and another player
(tr)archaicto accompany as a guard
a person or group who keeps a protecting, supervising, or restraining watch or control over people, such as prisoners, things, etcRelated adjective: custodial
a person or group of people, such as soldiers, who form a ceremonial escortguard of honour
Britishthe official in charge of a train
the act or duty of protecting, restraining, or supervising
(as modifier)guard duty
Irish another word for garda
a device, part, or attachment on an object, such as a weapon or machine tool, designed to protect the user against injury, as on the hilt of a sword or the trigger of a firearm
anything that provides or is intended to provide protectiona guard against infection
another name for safety chain
a long neck chain often holding a chatelaine
See guard ring
sportan article of light tough material worn to protect any of various parts of the body
the position of the two players in a team who play furthest from the basket
a player in this position
the posture of defence or readiness in fencing, boxing, cricket, etc
take guardcricket(of a batsman) to choose a position in front of the wicket to receive the bowling, esp by requesting the umpire to indicate his position relative to the stumps
give guardcricket(of an umpire) to indicate such a position to a batsman
off one's guardhaving one's defences down; unprepared
on one's guardprepared to face danger, difficulties, etc
stand guard(of a military sentry, etc) to keep watch
mount guard
(of a sentry) to begin to keep watch
(with over)to take up a protective or defensive stance (over something)