单词 | beat |
释义 | beat1 of 4verb ˈbēt beat; beaten ˈbē-tᵊn transitive verb 1 : to strike repeatedly: a : to hit repeatedly so as to inflict pain Inmates were put in solitary for beating other inmates. —often used with up … brutes who beat up their victims without compunction …— b : to walk on : tread beat the pavement looking for work c : to strike directly against forcefully and repeatedly : dash against waves beating the shore beat the door with her fists d : to flap or thrash at vigorously a trapped bird beating the air e hunting : to strike at in order to rouse game beating a hedgerow also : to range over in or as if in quest of game … beat the woods and rouse the bounding prey … — f : to mix by stirring : whip beat the eggs —often used with up g : to strike repeatedly in order to produce music or a signal beat a drum 2 a : to drive or force by blows beat back his attackers b : to pound into a powder, paste, or pulp c : to make by repeated treading or driving over beat a path through the woods d(1) : to dislodge by repeated hitting beat dust from the carpet (2) : to lodge securely by repeated striking beat a stake into the ground e : to shape by beating beat swords into plowshares especially : to flatten thin by blows f : to sound or express especially by drumbeat beating out a rhythm on the conga 3 : to cause to strike or flap repeatedly a bird beating its wings 4 a : overcome, defeat beat the insurgents in a bloody battle beating your opponent in chess They beat us 14 to 3. also : surpass She beat the old record by three seconds. —often used with out Someone else beat her out for the job. b : to prevail despite beat the odds c : bewilder, baffle it beats me how she does it d(1) : fatigue, exhaust (2) : to leave dispirited, irresolute, or hopeless Years of failure had beaten him down. e : cheat, swindle beat him out of his inheritance 5 a(1) : to act ahead of usually so as to forestall I was going to make the suggestion, but she beat me to it. (2) journalism : to report a news item in advance of beat the other networks b : to come or arrive before I beat him to the finish line. c : circumvent beat the system d sports : to outmaneuver (a defender) and get free The player attempts to beat the defender and score. e sports : to score against (a goalkeeper) 6 : to produce (music or a signal) by striking something repeatedly : to indicate by beating beat the tempo intransitive verb 1 a : to become forcefully propelled forward : dash waves beating against the shore b : to glare or strike with oppressive intensity The sun beat down on us. c : to sustain distracting activity … the turbulence of the Renaissance … beating about his head …— d : to strike a drum repeatedly : to beat a drum The drummers kept beating. 2 a(1) : pulsate, throb Her heart beat wildly. (2) : tick the beating of a clock b : to sound upon being struck the sound of a beating drum 3 a : to strike repeated blows beating on the door … their air attack still beating upon us …— b : to strike the air : flap The bird's wings beat frantically. c hunting : to strike bushes or other cover in order to rouse game also : to range or scour for or as if for game 4 : to progress with much difficulty 5 nautical : to sail to windward by a series of zigzag movements beating along the coast beatable ˈbē-tə-bəl adjective beat 2 of 4noun (1)1 a : a single stroke or blow especially in a series a single beat on a drum also : pulsation, tick b : a sound produced by or as if by beating (see beat entry 1) dance to the beat of the drums listening to the beat of his heart c : a driving impact or force … the full force of the surf beat …— … the fierce beat of the eastern sun.— 2 : one swing of the pendulum or balance (see balance entry 1 sense 9) of a timepiece 3 a : a regularly traversed round (see round entry 3 sense 6a) a cop patrolling her beat b journalism : a group of news sources that a reporter covers regularly a reporter on the beat 4 a : a metrical or rhythmic stress in poetry or music or the rhythmic effect of these stresses four beats per bar keeping a steady beat b music : the tempo indicated (as by a conductor) to a musical performer c music : the pronounced rhythm (see rhythm sense 2b) that is the characteristic driving force in some types of music (such as jazz or rock) music with a Latin beat also : rock entry 2 sense 2 5 a : one that excels I've never seen the beat of it b journalism : the reporting of a news story ahead of competitors 6 : deadbeat 7 nautical a : an act of sailing toward the side or direction from which the wind is blowing by a series of zigzag movements : an act of beating (see beat entry 1 sense intransitive 5) to windward b : one of the reaches (see reach entry 2 sense 1) in the zigzag course so traversed : tack 8 physics : each of the pulsations of amplitude (see amplitude sense 1a) produced by the union of sound or radio waves or electric currents having different frequencies 9 dance : an accented stroke (as of one leg or foot against the other) 10 : moment waited a beat before responding beatless ˈbēt-ləs adjective beat 3 of 4adjective1 a : being in a state of exhaustion : exhausted Sometimes I'd be so beat that I'd flop down and go to sleep fully dressed.— b : sapped of resolution or morale 2 often capitalized [earliest in beat generation; perhaps in part by association with beat entry 2 in sense "pronounced rhythm" or -beat in deadbeat entry 1] : of, relating to, or being beatniks beat poets beat 4 of 4noun (2)often capitalized : beatnik beat 1 of 3 verb1 as in to lick to strike repeatedly they attacked and beat him, but fortunately he'll be fine Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
2 as in to defeat to achieve a victory over she always beats everyone at checkers, but she's not as good at chess Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
3 as in to surpass to be greater, better, or stronger than this new animated feature sure beats everything else that's ever been done in animation Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
4 as in to pulse to expand and contract in a rhythmic manner the patient's heart beats roughly 60 times per minute Synonyms & Similar Words
5 as in to flutter to move or cause to move with a striking motion the bird's wings beat strongly as it soared in the air Synonyms & Similar Words
6 as in to frustrate to prevent from achieving a goal you beat me to it Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
7 as in to draw to shape with a hammer the medieval artisans who beat iron into exquisite swords Synonyms & Similar Words
8 as in to burn to shine with a bright harsh light the tropical sun beat down on our heads without mercy Synonyms & Similar Words
9 as in to drum to strike or cause to strike lightly and usually rhythmically beat the drum in a marching rhythm Synonyms & Similar Words
10 as in to confuse to throw into a state of mental uncertainty it beats me how that slipup happened Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
11 as in to evade to avoid having to comply with (something) especially through cleverness he spends all of his time trying to beat the system Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
12 as in to grind to reduce to fine particles years of pounding had beaten the pebbles to a fine dust Synonyms & Similar Words
13 as in to cheat to rob by the use of trickery or threats the screenwriter has filed a lawsuit, accusing the production company of beating him out of his share of the film's net profits Synonyms & Similar Words
beat 2 of 3noun1 as in blow a hard strike with a part of the body or an instrument delivered one hard beat on the drums Synonyms & Similar Words
2 as in pulse a rhythmic expanding and contracting a single beat of the heart is said to be all that separates the vice president from the presidency Synonyms & Similar Words
3 as in rhythm the recurrent pattern formed by a series of sounds having a regular rise and fall in intensity moved to the beat of the music Synonyms & Similar Words
4 as in minute a very small space of time within a beat he was on the phone complaining about an error in his bill Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
beat 3 of 3adjectiveas in exhausted depleted in strength, energy, or freshness can we pick this up tomorrow, because I'm beat? Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
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