: one who works for daily wages especially as an unskilled laborer
Example Sentences
They hire day laborers to pick the apples.
Recent Examples on the WebHis father, a day laborer loading ships and trucks at the Oakland docks, spent his nights and much of his money at waterfront bars, often bringing Sonny with him. Paul W. Valentine, Anchorage Daily News, 30 June 2022 With Nusrat's father, a day laborer, out of work, the family is struggling to survive on dry food and water delivered by boat from a neighboring village. Sarah Ferguson, Forbes, 11 July 2022 Lal Mohammed, Jamshidi’s neighbor in Dezwari, lost his job as a day laborer after the U.S. withdrawal.Washington Post, 13 June 2022 One man who worked in construction as a day laborer was defrauded of about $50,000 and was chased by debt collectors. Victoria Kim, Los Angeles Times, 9 Jan. 2022 One man who worked in construction as a day laborer was defrauded of about $50,000 and was chased by debt collectors. Victoria Kim, Los Angeles Times, 9 Jan. 2022 One man who worked in construction as a day laborer was defrauded of about $50,000 and was chased by debt collectors. Victoria Kim, Los Angeles Times, 9 Jan. 2022 When Davis remembers her early struggles as an actress — working as a day laborer and telemarketer to make ends meet, facing various ailments without health insurance — her professional fortitude becomes all the more admirable.Washington Post, 26 Apr. 2022 One man who worked in construction as a day laborer was defrauded of about $50,000 and was chased by debt collectors. Victoria Kim, Los Angeles Times, 9 Jan. 2022 See More