释义 |
1 as in courage strength of mind to carry on in spite of danger the one person who had the intestinal fortitude to stand up and denounce the injustice of it all -
courage -
heroism -
bravery -
courageousness -
gallantry -
prowess -
doughtiness -
nerve -
greatheartedness -
valor -
daring -
fearlessness -
virtue -
stoutness -
heart -
dauntlessness -
intrepidity -
hardihood -
intrepidness -
daringness -
bottle -
fortitude -
pecker -
gutsiness -
guts -
moxie -
stamina -
fiber -
determination -
perseverance -
grit -
gumption -
endurance -
resolution -
backbone -
spunk -
mettle -
temper -
tenacity -
pluck -
stomach -
boldness -
audacity -
pluckiness -
temerity -
gall -
effrontery -
cheek -
brazenness -
cojones -
cold feet -
cowardice -
poltroonery -
timidity -
cowardliness -
fearfulness -
softness -
weakness -
faintheartedness -
spinelessness -
mousiness -
timorousness -
feebleness -
dastardliness -
impotence -
cravenness -
hesitation -
indecision -
ineffectualness -
indecisiveness -
irresolution See More 2 as in fortitude the strength of mind that enables a person to endure pain or hardship you'll need considerable intestinal fortitude to take a job at that company, but the work experience will be worth it -
courage -
fortitude -
courageousness -
stamina -
bravery -
fiber -
grit -
backbone -
spunk -
endurance -
determination -
pluck -
constancy -
grittiness -
guts -
nerve -
doughtiness -
greatheartedness -
resolution -
tolerance -
daring -
valor -
fearlessness -
dauntlessness -
purposefulness -
resoluteness -
stoutness -
nerviness -
nerve -
gallantry -
sufferance -
intrepidity -
intrepidness -
brass -
spirit -
forbearance -
hutzpa -
boldness -
mettle -
audacity -
heart -
temerity -
chutzpah -
hardihood -
effrontery -
cheek -
gall -
hutzpah -
chutzpa -
indecisiveness -
vacillation -
irresoluteness -
irresolution -
spinelessness -
cowardice -
timidity -
pusillanimity -
faintheartedness -
cowardliness -
timorousness -
dastardliness -
cravenness See More |