释义 |
: marked by or divided off by bars especially : having alternate bands of different color a barred feather 1 as in striped having stripes a tabby is a barred cat, often with black stripes -
striped -
streaked -
banded -
tabby -
corded 2 as in prohibited that may not be permitted smoking is barred inside the restaurant -
prohibited -
banned -
forbidden -
outlawed -
proscribed -
illegal -
interdicted -
unauthorized -
impermissible -
improper -
taboo -
unlawful -
verboten -
unacceptable -
prevented -
excluded -
refused -
precluded -
disallowed -
rejected -
illicit -
tabu -
blocked -
stopped -
revoked -
inappropriate -
suppressed -
disapproved -
unlicensed -
unbearable -
discouraged -
obstructed -
unsuitable -
objectionable -
vetoed -
illegitimate -
hindered -
impeded -
unendurable -
unseemly -
repressed -
ineffable -
intolerable -
shut out -
ruled out -
unmentionable -
unsanctioned -
permitted -
permissible -
allowable -
permissive -
acceptable -
legal -
appropriate -
endorsed -
authorized -
accepted -
lawful -
legitimate -
allowed -
approved -
certified -
licensed -
accredited -
sanctioned -
sufferable -
okay -
granted -
indorsed -
tolerable -
warranted -
bearable -
supported -
mandatory -
endurable -
promoted -
condoned -
required -
commanded -
encouraged -
ordered -
suitable -
accorded -
vouchsafed -
proper -
countenanced -
brooked -
tolerated -
seemly -
unobjectionable -
OK See More past tense of bar 1 as in streaked to make stripes on barred the fence with white strips -
striped -
streaked -
banded -
blazed 2 as in forbade to order not to do or use or to be done or used corporal punishment has long been barred in most public schools -
prohibited -
forbade -
banned -
outlawed -
prevented -
proscribed -
discouraged -
stopped -
halted -
enjoined -
precluded -
excluded -
interdicted -
forbad -
deterred -
dissuaded -
debarred -
blocked -
restrained -
quashed -
disallowed -
curbed -
silenced -
rejected -
deprived -
suppressed -
squashed -
squelched -
impeded -
repressed -
vetoed -
hindered -
shut out -
inhibited -
ruled out -
embargoed -
obstructed -
subdued -
quelled -
repudiated -
bridled -
crushed -
checked -
cracked down (on) -
clamped down (on) -
put down -
snuffed (out) -
reined (in) -
permitted -
allowed -
approved -
suffered -
sanctioned -
let -
authorized -
endorsed -
indorsed -
licensed -
supported -
encouraged -
ordered -
warranted -
forwarded -
promoted -
cultivated -
advanced -
furthered -
nurtured -
bore -
abetted -
commanded -
nourished -
bade -
tolerated -
licenced -
bid -
endured -
abided -
countenanced -
brooked -
abode See More 3 as in excluded to prevent the participation, consideration, or inclusion of beach-goers are barred from walking in roped-off sections of the beach to protect nesting birds -
excluded -
banned -
prohibited -
prevented -
eliminated -
debarred -
suspended -
banished -
excepted -
expelled -
shut out -
ruled out -
precluded -
blocked -
exiled -
froze out -
deterred -
closed out -
blacklisted -
excommunicated -
deported -
hindered -
impeded -
ostracized -
closed one's doors to -
counted (out) -
blackballed -
obstructed -
halted -
ceased -
obviated -
ousted -
checked off -
disregarded -
discontinued -
threw out -
staved off -
warded (off) -
combed (out) -
weeded (out) -
included -
admitted -
received -
accepted -
welcomed -
embraced -
entertained -
took in -
unbanned See More 4 as in guarded to disallow entry into (a place) by means of a physical barrier at the entry point the bikeway was barred by a huge fallen tree -
guarded -
barricaded -
blockaded -
locked -
fenced -
gated -
blocked (off) -
obstructed -
closed (off) -
hedged -
walled (off) -
diked -
curtained (off) -
bolted -
screened (off) -
opened -
unbarred -
reopened -
unbolted -
unblocked |