Recent Examples on the WebThere could be challenges with scaling up production commercially, including the need to increase barite mining, but researchers believe the ultrawhite paint could someday reduce the use of air conditioning by up to 70% in hot cities. Lindsey Mcginnis, The Christian Science Monitor, 17 Dec. 2021 Barium is obtained chiefly from the mineral barite consisting of barium-sulfate. David Bressan, Forbes, 4 July 2021 China supplies half of the U.S.’s barite, which is used in the hydraulic fracturing that revolutionized American oil production. Alistair Macdonald, WSJ, 5 Oct. 2020 The Astro Gallery of Gems on Fifth Avenue in New York attracts famous clients with its $30,000 pieces of barite and six-figure specimens of mesolite.Fortune, 31 May 2020 The attack was presumably retribution for Abarca’s vocal opposition to the planned expansion of Blackfire’s nearby barite mine.Popular Science, 30 Dec. 2019 High-temperature minerals such as barite and celestine appeared first. Robin George Andrews, National Geographic, 22 Oct. 2019 The oldest layer of crystals, which include the mineral barite (barium sulfate), formed at temperatures of about 100°C. Sid Perkins, Science | AAAS, 18 Oct. 2019 Researchers sampled barite, a mineral more than 2 billion years old, in subarctic Canada's Belcher Islands. Scottie Andrew, CNN, 4 Sep. 2019 See More