

单词 does


present tense third-person singular of do

plural of doe

Kids Definition


present tense third person singular of do



present tense third-person singular of do
as in suffices
to be fitting or proper that outfit just won't do for the opera

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • suffices
  • serves
  • goes
  • works
  • befits
  • fits
  • suits
  • fits the bill
  • beseems
  • satisfies
  • fills the bill
  • functions
as in serves
to be enough even half of that amount of sugar will do

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • suffices
  • serves
  • satisfies
  • suits
  • answers
  • contents
  • sates
  • satiates
  • quenches
  • assuages
as in performs
to carry through (as a process) to completion do as much as you can and leave the rest

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • performs
  • accomplishes
  • makes
  • achieves
  • fulfills
  • executes
  • fulfils
  • implements
  • prosecutes
  • negotiates
  • perpetrates
  • commits
  • completes
  • realizes
  • carries out
  • goes through
  • pulls off
  • finishes
  • carries off
  • effects
  • brings off
  • puts through
  • practices
  • brings about
  • compasses
  • follows through (with)
  • effectuates
  • attains
  • repeats
  • ends
  • aces
  • actualizes
  • nails
  • reenacts
  • practises
  • works (at)
  • reduplicates
  • winds up
  • engages (in)

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • fails
  • slurs
  • slights
  • skimps
as in decorates
to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becoming did the living room in French provincial style

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • decorates
  • adorns
  • enriches
  • drapes
  • beautifies
  • graces
  • paints
  • embellishes
  • decks
  • embosses
  • ornaments
  • trims
  • dresses
  • garnishes
  • does up
  • festoons
  • brightens
  • fancifies
  • bedecks
  • arrays
  • caparisons
  • emblazes
  • freshens
  • blazons
  • dolls up
  • gussies up
  • bedizens
  • pretties (up)
  • traps
  • embroiders
  • smartens
  • fancies up
  • chases
  • accessorizes
  • glitzes (up)
  • frills
  • hangs
  • figures
  • redoes
  • gilds
  • ribbons
  • feathers
  • diamonds
  • furbelows
  • tricks (out)
  • gems
  • braids
  • swags
  • flounces
  • garlands
  • fringes
  • bosses
  • jewels
  • dresses up
  • fillets
  • redecorates
  • filigrees
  • pearls
  • impearls
  • appliqués
  • wreathes
  • laces
  • spruces (up)

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • disfigures
  • simplifies
  • reveals
  • scars
  • spoils
  • defaces
  • streamlines
  • displays
  • mars
  • exposes
  • bares
  • dismantles
  • uncovers
  • denudes
  • divests
  • strips
  • blemishes
  • uglifies
See More
as in copes
to meet one's day-to-day needs I'm doing just fine

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • copes
  • manages
  • survives
  • affords
  • fares
  • makes shift
  • gets on
  • shifts
  • makes do
  • gets by
  • makes out
  • gets along
  • makes ends meet
  • contrives
  • lasts
  • fends for oneself
  • scrounges
  • carries on
  • ekes out
  • wrings
  • squeezes
  • wrests
  • scrapes (by or through)
  • swings
  • scrapes (out)

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • fails
  • falls short
  • collapses
  • flounders
  • fizzles
  • declines
  • wanes
  • slumps
  • peters (out)
  • gives up
See More
as in causes
to be the cause of (a situation, action, or state of mind) this neighborhood cleanup effort might just do some good

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • causes
  • creates
  • brings
  • generates
  • works
  • prompts
  • produces
  • makes
  • spawns
  • induces
  • invokes
  • effects
  • yields
  • catalyzes
  • begets
  • brings about
  • engenders
  • encourages
  • draws on
  • occasions
  • effectuates
  • brings on
  • promotes
  • introduces
  • breeds
  • brings forth
  • decides
  • begins
  • determines
  • initiates
  • starts
  • inaugurates
  • establishes
  • launches
  • founds
  • develops
  • gives rise to
  • translates (into)
  • results (in)
  • enacts
  • furthers
  • institutes
  • renders
  • innovates
  • cultivates
  • pioneers
  • fosters
  • fathers
  • nurtures
  • contributes (to)
  • nourishes
  • sets up
  • sets
  • turns out
  • conduces (to)
  • forwards
  • advances

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • restricts
  • impedes
  • limits
  • suppresses
  • controls
  • inhibits
  • dampens
  • represses
  • stifles
  • smothers
  • subdues
  • checks
  • restrains
  • quells
  • kills
  • crushes
  • squashes
  • retards
  • destroys
  • curbs
  • arrests
  • squelches
  • reins (in)
  • abolishes
  • quashes
  • stills
  • quenches
  • extinguishes
  • clamps down (on)
  • puts down
  • liquidates
  • cracks down (on)
  • cans
  • demolishes
  • snuffs (out)
See More
as in imitates
to copy or exaggerate (someone or something) in order to make fun of the laughing partygoers begged their host to do Marlon Brando again

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • imitates
  • parodies
  • mocks
  • mimics
  • spoofs
  • caricatures
  • pretends
  • emulates
  • simulates
  • travesties
  • sends up
  • performs
  • ridicules
  • burlesques
  • plays
  • reproduces
  • derides
  • satirizes
  • enhances
  • replicates
  • feigns
  • elaborates
  • jibes
  • gibes
  • pasquinades
  • exaggerates
  • lampoons
  • monkeys
  • parrots
  • overstates
  • apes
  • personates
  • pads
  • dissembles
  • embellishes
  • embroiders
  • acts
  • amplifies
  • expands
  • stretches
  • shams
  • duplicates
  • plays up
  • mimes
  • overdraws
  • pantomimes
  • copycats
  • impersonates
  • counterfeits
  • magnifies
  • puts on
  • fakes
  • enlarges (on or upon)
  • fleshes (out)
as in progresses
to move forward along a course how are you doing with the house restoration?

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • progresses
  • goes
  • proceeds
  • comes
  • marches
  • forges
  • advances
  • fares
  • goes off
  • gets on
  • paces
  • goes along
  • gains ground
  • speeds
  • comes along
  • accelerates
  • approaches
  • gets along
  • pushes
  • drives
  • travels
  • runs
  • passes
  • impels
  • repairs
  • nears
  • propels
  • wends
  • journeys
  • fast-forwards
  • actuates
  • takes out

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • stands
  • remains
  • stays
  • stops
  • hinders
  • impedes
  • blocks
  • checks
  • obstructs
  • halts
  • ceases
  • stems
  • interrupts
  • suppresses
  • arrests
  • holds back
  • slows (down or up)
  • represses
  • retards
  • inhibits
  • pauses
  • balks
  • delays
  • detains
  • hampers
  • waits
  • stalls
  • stunts
  • nips
  • regresses
  • lets up
  • cramps
See More
as in plays
to present a portrayal or performance of she's done Eliza Doolittle on the stage so many times that she can probably play the flower girl in her sleep

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • performs
  • plays
  • interprets
  • portrays
  • depicts
  • represents
  • impersonates
  • acts
  • enacts
  • dramatizes
  • acts out
  • renders
  • mimics
  • imitates
  • underplays
  • overplays
  • masquerades
  • pantomimes
  • overacts
  • takes on
  • playacts
  • mimes
  • apes
  • hams
  • clowns
  • coacts
  • costars
  • role-plays
  • poses (as)
  • stars (in)
as in squeezes
to rob by the use of trickery or threats did them out of their savings with surprising ease

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • squeezes
  • stings
  • plucks
  • hustles
  • sticks
  • cheats
  • beats
  • screws
  • deceives
  • tricks
  • bleeds
  • does in
  • diddles
  • shortchanges
  • victimizes
  • shakes down
  • cons
  • defrauds
  • betrays
  • fiddles
  • rips off
  • cozens
  • exploits
  • shorts
  • suckers
  • stiffs
  • fools
  • reams
  • skins
  • bilks
  • swindles
  • sells a bill of goods to
  • chouses
  • flimflams
  • chisels
  • mulcts
  • gaffs
  • soaks
  • takes to the cleaners
  • extorts
  • rooks
  • fleeces
  • euchres
  • hoses
  • wrenches
  • skunks
  • nobbles
  • takes for a ride
  • wrings
  • clips
  • thimblerigs
  • milks
  • overcharges
  • gouges
  • nicks
  • wrests
  • dupes
  • bitches
  • gulls
  • fast-talks
  • bamboozles
  • double-crosses
  • ropes (in)
as in hides
to strike repeatedly no one is sure who did them in that alley

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • hides
  • licks
  • pounds
  • beats
  • whips
  • knocks
  • slaps
  • lashes
  • hits
  • attacks
  • thumps
  • pelts
  • spanks
  • slams
  • smashes
  • punches
  • assaults
  • chops
  • batters
  • works over
  • lathers
  • bashes
  • mauls
  • bats
  • smacks
  • switches
  • bastes
  • pummels
  • bludgeons
  • lambastes
  • thrashes
  • punches out
  • slates
  • threshes
  • hammers
  • flogs
  • wallops
  • boxes
  • belabors
  • clubs
  • storms
  • whacks
  • slogs
  • raids
  • curries
  • belts
  • tans
  • swipes
  • lambasts
  • paddles
  • whales
  • buffets
  • wounds
  • whaps
  • rushes
  • fibs
  • beats up on
  • laces
  • whops
  • whups
  • clobbers
  • birches
  • tromps
  • drubs
  • cracks
  • assails
  • besets
  • bungs up
  • pommels
  • lays on
  • pastes
  • swats
  • whams
  • roughs (up)
  • socks
  • straps
  • thwacks
  • clouts
  • lams
  • cudgels
  • cuffs
  • mangles
  • messes (up)
  • whomps
  • mutilates
  • maims
  • busts
  • fustigates
  • flagellates
  • lacerates
  • descends (on or upon)
  • canes
  • leathers
  • scourges
  • gores
  • blackjacks
  • jumps (on)
  • rawhides
  • pistol-whips
  • cowhides
  • horsewhips
  • pounces (on or upon)
as in happens
to take place nothing's ever doing in this boring little town

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • happens
  • is
  • comes
  • occurs
  • transpires
  • cooks
  • chances
  • comes about
  • comes down
  • passes
  • goes down
  • befalls
  • goes on
  • comes off
  • haps
  • betides
  • develops
  • rises
  • comes to pass
  • intervenes
  • proceeds
  • materializes
  • arises
  • follows
  • results
  • turns out
  • breaks
  • falls out
  • comes up
  • goes off
  • shapes (up)
  • springs (up)
  • crops (up)




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