单词 | grave |
释义 | grave1 of 6noun (1) ˈgrāv 1 : an excavation (see excavation sense 2) for burial of a body broadly : a burial place 2 a : death sense 1a believes there is life beyond the grave b : death sense 4 grave 2 of 6adjective ˈgrāv in sense 3 often ˈgräv graver; gravest 1 a : meriting serious consideration : important grave problems b : likely to produce great harm or danger a grave mistake c : significantly serious : considerable, great grave importance d obsolete : authoritative, weighty 2 : having a serious and dignified quality or demeanor a grave and thoughtful look 3 a of an accent mark : having the form ` b : marked with a grave accent c : of the variety indicated by a grave accent 4 : low-pitched in sound 5 : drab in color : somber gravely adverb graveness noun grave 3 of 6noun (2) ˈgrāv : a grave accent ` used to show that a vowel is pronounced with a fall of pitch (as in ancient Greek), that a vowel has a certain quality (such as è in French), that a final e is stressed and close and that a final o is stressed and low (as in Italian), that a syllable has a degree of stress between maximum and minimum (as in phonetic transcription), or that the e of the English ending -ed is to be pronounced (as in "this cursèd day") grave 4 of 6adverb or adjective gra·ve ˈgrä-(ˌ)vā : slowly and solemnly —used as a direction in music grave 5 of 6verb (1) ˈgrāv graved; graven ˈgrā-vən transitive verb 1 a : to carve or cut (something, such as letters or figures) into a hard surface : engrave graved the dates of his birth and death on the headstone b : to carve or shape with a chisel : sculpture 2 : to impress or fix (a thought, a memory, etc.) deeply 3 archaic : dig, excavate grave 6 of 6verb (2) ˈgrāv graved; graving transitive verb : to clean and pay with pitch grave a ship's bottom grave 1 of 3 noun1 as in tomb a final resting place for a dead person the forlorn boy put flowers on his mother's grave Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
2 as in death the permanent stopping of all the vital bodily activities a rock star who found his early grave in a plane crash Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
3 as in dead the state of being dead a terrible fear of the grave Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
grave 2 of 3adjective1 as in serious having a matter of importance as its topic leaving gossip and celebrities to other magazines, this journal focuses on the grave issues confronting the nation Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
2 as in dangerous involving potential loss or injury going over Niagara Falls poses a grave danger Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
3 as in solemn not joking or playful in mood or manner when I asked him how his dog was doing, he looked grave and said, "Not good" Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
4 as in deep having a low musical pitch or range a grave hexachord Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
grave 3 of 3verbas in to etch to cut (as letters or designs) on a hard surface the doomed climber graved his initials into the rock face Synonyms & Similar Words
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