单词 | back |
释义 | back1 of 4noun ˈbak plural backs 1 a(1) : the rear part of the human body especially from the neck to the end of the spine (2) : the body considered as the wearer of clothes They were left with nothing but the clothes on their backs. (3) : capacity for labor, effort, or endurance Put your back into it! (4) : the back considered as the seat of one's awareness of duty or failings get off my back (5) : the back considered as an area of vulnerability the police officer's partner always watches his back b : the part of a lower animal (such as a quadruped) corresponding to the human back riding on the back of an elephant c : spinal column She had surgery on her back. d : spine sense 1c The title is on the book's back. 2 a : the side or surface opposite the front or face I only saw him from the back. : the rear part the back of the head the back of the mirror also : the farther or reverse side wrote the number on the back of an envelope b : something at or on the back for support back of a chair c : a place away from the front sat in back 3 : a position in some games (such as football or soccer) behind the front line of players also : a player in this position a defensive back 4 informal : a swimming race in which swimmers use the backstroke She placed first in the 100-meter back. backed ˈbakt adjective backless ˈbak-ləs adjective back 2 of 4adverb1 a : to, toward, or at the rear asked the crowd to move back b : in or into the past : backward in time looking back on her youth an event back in the last century Back then, no one had ever heard of chronic fatigue syndrome. also : ago several years back met him in the street two days back c : to or at an angle off the vertical leaned back on his chair d(1) : under restraint He wanted to fight but his friends held him back. holding back a laugh (2) : in a delayed or retarded condition Bad weather set the launch date back several days. e : in an inferior or secondary position especially : behind a competitor in points or ranking finished three strokes back 2 a : to, toward, or in a place from which a person or thing came She left home and never went back. put the book back b : to or toward a former state went back to private life c : in return or reply forgot to write back back 3 of 4adjective1 a : being at or in the back back door b : distant from a central or main area back roads c of a speech sound : articulated at or toward the back of the oral passage : formed deep within the mouth back vowels 2 : having returned or been returned 3 : being in arrears : overdue is owed several months in back pay 4 : moving or operating backward : reverse back action with oars 5 : not current back issues of a magazine 6 golf : constituting the final 9 holes of an 18-hole course back 4 of 4verb backed; backing; backs transitive verb 1 a : to support by material or moral assistance backing a candidate for governor —often used with up back up a friend in a fight b : substantiate —often used with up needs to back up her argument with evidence c : to assume financial responsibility for back a new company d : to provide musical accompaniment for —often used with up a singer backed up by a guitarist 2 a : to cause to go back (see back entry 2 sense 1a) or in reverse back the car into the garage b : to articulate (a speech sound) with the tongue farther back : to form deeper within the mouth 3 a : to furnish with a rear part : to furnish with a back (see back entry 1 sense 2) back a skirt with stiff material b : to be at the rear part of : to be at the back (see back entry 1 sense 2) of a row of garages back the building intransitive verb 1 : to move backward backed into a parking space —often used with up back up to give him some spaceLet's back up a little to clarify what we're saying. 2 of the wind : to shift counterclockwise compare veer entry 1 sense 2 3 : to have the rear part facing in the direction of something The house backs onto a golf course. backer ˈba-kər noun back 1 of 4 adverb1 as in ago earlier than the present time that's longer back than I can remember Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
2 as in around toward the opposite direction turned back for one last comment Synonyms & Similar Words
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3 as in backwards toward the rear concert security asked the crowd to move back Synonyms & Similar Words
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back 2 of 4noun1 as in rear a behind part or surface the back of the page was blank Synonyms & Similar Words
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2 as in jugular a vulnerable point a candidate needing a loyal aide who can be relied upon to always watch his back Synonyms & Similar Words
back 3 of 4verb1 as in to advocate to promote the interests or cause of she enthusiastically backed the plan to renovate and upgrade the school's facilities Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
2 as in to aid to provide (someone) with what is useful or necessary to achieve an end a number of influential people have already agreed to back the candidate Synonyms & Similar Words
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3 as in to reinforce to provide evidence or information for (as a claim or idea) the author needs to back her thesis with more facts Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
back 4 of 4adjectiveas in aft being at or in the part of something opposite the front part she carried all the presents in the back door, as the children were playing in the front yard Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
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