

单词 negatively


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neg·​a·​tive ˈne-gə-tiv How to pronounce negative (audio)
: marked by denial, prohibition, or refusal
received a negative answer
also : marked by absence, withholding, or removal of something positive
the negative motivation of shame Garrett Hardin
: denying a predicate (see predicate entry 1 sense 1a) of a subject or a part of a subject
"no A is B" is a negative proposition
: denoting the absence or the contradictory of something
nontoxic is a negative term
: expressing negation
negative particles such as no and not
: adverse, unfavorable
the reviews were mostly negative
: lacking positive qualities
especially : disagreeable
a colorless negative personality
: marked by features of hostility, withdrawal, or pessimism (see pessimism sense 1) that hinder or oppose constructive treatment or development
a negative outlook
negative criticism
: promoting a person or cause by criticizing or attacking the competition
ran a negative campaign
negative advertising
: less than zero and opposite in sign to a positive (see positive entry 1 sense 4e) number that when added to the given number yields zero
−2 is a negative number
: having more outgo than income : constituting a loss
negative cash flow
negative worth
: extending or generated in a direction opposite to an arbitrarily chosen regular direction or position
negative angle
: being, relating to, or charged with electricity of which the electron is the elementary unit
: having more electrons than protons
a negative ion
: having lower electric potential (see potential entry 1 sense 2b) and constituting the part toward which the current (see current entry 2 sense 3) flows from the external circuit
the negative pole
: being the electron-emitting electrode (see electrode sense 2) of an electron tube
: not affirming the presence of a condition, substance, or organism suspected to be present
also : having a test result indicating the absence especially of a condition, substance, or organism
she is HIV negative
: directed or moving away from a source of stimulation
negative tropism
: less than the pressure of the atmosphere
negative pressure
: having the light and dark parts in approximately inverse (see inverse entry 1 sense 1) relation to those of the original photographic subject
of a lens : diverging (see diverge sense 1) light rays and forming a virtual inverted image
negatively adverb
negativeness noun
ˌne-gə-ˈti-və-tē How to pronounce negative (audio)


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: a reply that indicates the withholding of assent : refusal
archaic : a right of veto
obsolete : an adverse vote : veto
: a proposition which denies or contradicts another
especially : the one of a pair of propositions in which negation is expressed
: something that is the opposite or negation of something else
: drawback, liability
: an expression (such as the word no) of negation or denial
: a negative number
: the side that upholds the contradictory proposition in a debate
: a negative photographic image on transparent material used for printing positive pictures
also : the material that carries such an image
: a reverse impression taken from a piece of sculpture or ceramics
: a negative result (as of a test)
a high rate of false negatives
also : a test yielding such a result


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negatived; negativing

transitive verb

: to refuse assent to
: to reject by or as if by a vote
: to demonstrate the falsity of
: to deny the truth, reality, or validity of
: neutralize, counteract
in the negative
: with a negative reply : with a reply that means "no"
He answered in the negative.



  • adversarial
  • adversary
  • antagonistic
  • antipathetic
  • hostile
  • inhospitable
  • inimical
  • jaundiced
  • mortal
  • unfriendly
  • unsympathetic


  • nay
  • no
  • non placet


  • blackball
  • down
  • kill
  • nix
  • shoot down
  • veto
See all Synonyms & Antonyms

Example Sentences

Adjective Car exhaust has a negative effect on the environment. the negative effects of the drug The feedback about the new product was all negative. Noun “No” and “not” are negatives. Can I have the negatives to make copies of the photos? Verb although the rebuttal was very eloquent, the jury negatived it in favor of the prosecution's argument we promptly negatived the idea of having pizza again for dinner, noting that we had already had it for three nights that week See More
Recent Examples on the Web
Last month, the guidance was updated again, dropping recommendations for programs that require a negative test to stay in the classroom or restrict kids to one classroom, or cohort. Deidre Mcphillips, CNN, 8 Sep. 2022 When reading up on the details of your VIP package ticket, keep an eye open for COVID-19 measures an artist may have in place, ranging from social distancing requirements to proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test. Melissa Ruggieri, USA TODAY, 7 Sep. 2022 Chengdu officials, in addition to the snap lockdown, have also closed schools and entertainment venues, and barred anyone from leaving the city without a negative COVID test taken within 24 hours. Nicholas Gordon, Fortune, 6 Sep. 2022 Vaccinated passengers don’t have to show the negative test. Tribune News Service, oregonlive, 3 Sep. 2022 All 2022 Creative Arts Emmy attendees were required to show proof of a negative COVID test. Carolyn Giardina, The Hollywood Reporter, 3 Sep. 2022 Authorities will conduct citywide Covid-19 tests through Sunday, with one person in each household allowed to leave home once a day to buy groceries, with proof of a negative Covid-19 test. Raffaele Huang, WSJ, 1 Sep. 2022 For now, both vaccinated and unvaccinated passengers still have to provide the results of a negative COVID-19 test, paid for by the passenger, taken within 1-3 days for those who’ve had the vaccine, and 1-2 days for those who have not. Richard Tribou, Orlando Sentinel, 30 Aug. 2022 Her communications director, Elizabeth Alexander, announced the negative test in a statement Monday night. Aidin Vaziri, San Francisco Chronicle, 30 Aug. 2022
But, for everybody else, Donald Trump ends up being a net negative in that sense, for Democrats, for independents, in the vote. CBS News, 28 Aug. 2022 Investors are currently speculating that adding digital ads from Netflix is a net negative for the sector. Jon Markman, Forbes, 29 June 2022 This is a critical issue since rushing approvals of tests or allowing those with deficiencies to get into the system could harm the credibility of testing more broadly -- and be a net negative in the drive to end the pandemic. Stephen Collinson, CNN, 28 Dec. 2021 Investors focused on the one negative in Home Depot's report: Customers didn't buy as many things as a year ago. Paul R. La Monica, CNN, 16 Aug. 2022 Adding in this biogenic limestone can make concrete carbon neutral, and potentially carbon negative, by pulling carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Tim Newcomb, Popular Mechanics, 11 Aug. 2022 Pivetta made it through three scoreless innings, but in the fourth, the negative that has haunted the Sox for much of the summer: the two-out walk, re-emerged. Julian Mcwilliams, BostonGlobe.com, 10 Aug. 2022 And maybe Donald Trump is more of a negative for Republicans, more of a positive for Democrats than Joe Biden is for either one. NBC News, 7 Aug. 2022 What might be a negative for Ford or Toyota is a multi-billion-dollar industry for Zipcar, Citi Bike, Uber and Lyft. Maureen Ballatori, Forbes, 6 June 2022
And passengers boarding international flights to the U.S. no longer need to test negative a day before departure or prove recovery from Covid in the past 90 days. Allison Pohle, WSJ, 2 Aug. 2022 But with sales growth expected to go from triple digits in 2021 to negative this year, shares have tanked to a record low recently. Yueqi Yang, Time, 20 Apr. 2022 In response, Moody’s Investors Service recently lowered its outlook for the sector to negative. Nick Sargen, Forbes, 20 Sep. 2021 Eversource Energy executives are on the defensive after two ratings agencies cut the credit outlook to negative for Connecticut Light & Power, citing its run-ins with state regulators over the utility’s response to Tropical Storm Isaias last year. Stephen Singer, courant.com, 2 Aug. 2021 Positive antibody test results, which are by no means an absolute guarantee of immunity, will be accepted to enter, as will negative COVID-19 tests taken up to seven days prior to arrival. Julia Wick, Los Angeles Times, 17 Jan. 2021 Auburn’s coverage units held Northwestern to negative two return yards, and its return units produced 25 yards on two returns. Giana Han, al, 2 Jan. 2021 This makes Pluto a cold place covered with ice, and its surface is between negative 378 to negative 396 degrees Fahrenheit. Ashley Strickland, CNN, 13 Oct. 2020 Someone who tests negative the day before visiting the White House could be positive upon arrival. The Editorial Board, WSJ, 5 Oct. 2020 See More

Word History



Middle English negatyff, borrowed from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French negatif, borrowed from Latin negātīvus "(of legal actions) restraining, (of words) denying," from negātus (past participle of negāre "to say no, deny") + -īvus -ive


Middle English negatif "negative command, prohibition," borrowed from Anglo-French & Late Latin; Anglo-French negative, borrowed from Late Latin negātīva "negative command or statement," from feminine of Latin negātīvus "(of legal actions) restraining, (of words) denying" — more at negative entry 1


derivative of negative entry 1

First Known Use


15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a


1571, in the meaning defined at sense 1a(1)


1706, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Kids Definition

negative 1 of 2


neg·​a·​tive ˈne-gə-tiv How to pronounce negative (audio)
: emphasizing the bad side of a person, situation, or thing
a negative attitude
Whenever I ask her how she's doing, her reply is negative.
: not positive
His test results came back negative.
: less than zero and shown by a minus sign
−2 is a negative number.
: being the part toward which the electric current flows from the outside circuit
the negative pole of a storage battery
: of, being, or relating to electricity of which the electron is the unit and which is produced in a hard rubber rod that has been rubbed with wool
a negative charge
: having more electrons than protons
a negative particle


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: a part of something which is harmful or bad
Consider the negatives of quitting school.
: an expression (as the word no) that denies or says the opposite
: the side that argues or votes against something
: a photographic image on film from which a final picture is made

Medical Definition

negative 1 of 2


: marked by denial, prohibition, or refusal
received a negative answer
: marked by features (as hostility, withdrawal, or pessimism) that hinder or oppose constructive treatment or development
a negative outlook
: being, relating to, or charged with electricity of which the electron is the elementary unit
: having more electrons than protons
negative ions
: having lower electrical potential and constituting the part toward which the current flows from the external circuit
the negative pole
: being the electron-emitting electrode of an electron tube
: not affirming the presence of a condition, substance, or organism suspected to be present
also : having a test result indicating the absence especially of a condition, substance, or organism
she is HIV negative
: directed or moving away from a source of stimulation
negative tropism
: having the light and dark parts in approximately inverse relation to those of the original photographic subject


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: a negative photographic image on transparent material used for printing positive pictures
also : the material that carries such an image
: a negative result (as of a test)
also : a test yielding such a result



as in unfavorably

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • unfavorably
  • critically
  • disparagingly
  • cynically
  • disapprovingly
  • reproachfully
  • reprovingly
  • guardedly
  • warily
  • uncomfortably
  • deprecatingly
  • anxiously
  • uneasily
  • captiously
  • apprehensively
  • charily
  • incredulously
  • reproachingly
  • hesitantly
  • quizzically
  • suspiciously
  • hesitatingly
  • skeptically
  • unbelievingly
  • doubtfully
  • questioningly
  • dubiously
  • askance
  • distrustfully
  • askant
  • doubtingly
  • mistrustfully
  • sideways

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • positively
  • favorably
  • approvingly
  • trustingly
  • confidently
  • trustfully
  • uncritically
  • unquestioningly
  • sanguinely
  • credulously
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