Recent Examples on the WebIn unpressurized rovers like the LTV, mission duration is limited by how long the oxygen in each astronaut’s spacesuit lasts. Alex Fox, Smithsonian Magazine, 29 Aug. 2022 The Dragon trunk provides power to the spacecraft during flight from its solar panels and also houses unpressurized cargo. Eric Berger, Ars Technica, 2 Aug. 2022 That’s all fine in a neutral, unpressurized environment that’s harmonious. Jenn Lofgren, Forbes, 4 May 2022 King’s original idea was to fly a handful of small, unpressurized six- to 12-passenger planes in an on-demand air taxi service, aimed at day-tripping Texas businessmen. Dan Reed, Forbes, 17 June 2021 The airship boasts an unpressurized cabin, and is built to withstand high and low temperatures, strong winds and even lightning strikes, to the same regulatory standards as other passenger aircraft, says HAV. Jack Guy, CNN, 27 May 2021 It was once hired by a law firm to determine if tennis balls perform differently after being shipped in an unpressurized aircraft cargo hold. Mark Synnott, Wired, 13 Apr. 2021 Their 20-hour flight in the unpressurized, noisy cabin led to a nine-hour drive back home.New York Times, 30 Dec. 2020 The company stated its first test flight, Neptune 1, will occur by March 2021, an uncrewed, unpressurized capsule that will be the first test toward a goal of operational flights in 2024. Richard Tribou,, 3 Dec. 2020 See More