释义 |
transitive verb : to gain favor or favorable acceptance for by deliberate effort —usually used with with ingratiate themselves with the community leaders William Attwood ingratiation in-ˌgrā-shē-ˈā-shən noun ingratiatory in-ˈgrā-sh(ē-)ə-ˌtȯr-ē adjective present tense third-person singular of ingratiate as in appeases often disapproving to gain favor or approval for (yourself) by doing or saying things that people like She has tried to ingratiate herself with voters by promising a tax cut. -
appeases -
comforts -
consoles -
placates -
mollifies -
tranquilizes -
conciliates -
satisfies -
contents -
propitiates -
pacifies -
disarms -
soothes -
pleases -
gratifies -
assuages -
delights -
calms -
cajoles -
hushes -
gentles -
flatters -
indulges -
satiates -
overpraises -
quiets -
gladdens -
tranquillizes -
wheedles -
coaxes -
humors -
endears (to) -
adulates -
mollycoddles -
coddles -
quenches -
pampers -
kowtows -
sates -
caters (to) -
blarneys -
sweetens -
toadies -
spoils -
sweet-talks -
babies -
blandishes -
dulcifies -
truckles -
soft-soaps -
apple-polishes -
bootlicks -
fusses -
sucks (up) -
antagonizes -
irritates -
annoys -
riles -
aggravates -
gets -
exasperates -
vexes -
provokes -
rankles -
bothers -
crosses -
irks -
chafes -
rouses -
burns (up) -
piques -
roils -
persecutes -
harasses -
grates -
ruffles -
bugs -
galls -
unsettles -
disturbs -
harries -
perturbs -
nettles -
pesters -
agitates -
puts out -
unhinges -
upsets -
offends -
worries -
distresses -
insults -
frets -
infuriates -
enrages -
angers -
affronts -
inflames -
peeves -
slights -
outrages -
maddens -
ires -
enflames -
incenses -
discomforts See More |